widgets\MaskedInput $definitions

$definitions public property Custom mask definitions to use. Should be configured as maskSymbol => settings, where maskSymbol is a string, containing a character to identify your mask definition and settings is an array, consisting of the following entries: validator: string, a JS regular expression or a JS function. cardinality: int, specifies how many characters are represented and validated for the definition. prevalidator: array, validate the characters before the definition card

widgets\MaskedInput $options

$options public property The HTML attributes for the input tag. See also yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered. public array $options = ['class' => 'form-control']

widgets\MaskedInput $mask

$mask public property The input mask (e.g. '99/99/9999' for date input). The following characters can be used in the mask and are predefined: a: represents an alpha character (A-Z, a-z) 9: represents a numeric character (0-9) *: represents an alphanumeric character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) [ and ]: anything entered between the square brackets is considered optional user input. This is based on the optionalmarker setting in $clientOptions. Additional definitions can be set through the $definition

widgets\ListView renderItems()

renderItems() public method Renders all data models. public string renderItems ( )return string The rendering result

widgets\MaskedInput $clientOptions

$clientOptions public property The JQuery plugin options for the input mask plugin. See also https://github.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask. public array $clientOptions = []

widgets\ListView renderItem()

renderItem() public method Renders a single data model. public string renderItem ( $model, $key, $index )$model mixed The data model to be rendered $key mixed The key value associated with the data model $index integer The zero-based index of the data model in the model array returned by $dataProvider. return string The rendering result

widgets\MaskedInput $aliases

$aliases public property Custom aliases to use. Should be configured as maskAlias => settings, where maskAlias is a string containing a text to identify your mask alias definition (e.g. 'phone') and settings is an array containing settings for the mask symbol, exactly similar to parameters as passed in $clientOptions. public array $aliases = null

widgets\ListView $itemView

$itemView public property The name of the view for rendering each data item, or a callback (e.g. an anonymous function) for rendering each data item. If it specifies a view name, the following variables will be available in the view: $model: mixed, the data model $key: mixed, the key value associated with the data item $index: integer, the zero-based index of the data item in the items array returned by $dataProvider. $widget: ListView, this widget instance Note that the view name is re

widgets\ListView $separator

$separator public property The HTML code to be displayed between any two consecutive items. public string $separator = "\n"

widgets\ListView $viewParams

$viewParams public property Additional parameters to be passed to $itemView when it is being rendered. This property is used only when $itemView is a string representing a view name. public array $viewParams = []