web\HttpException $statusCode

$statusCode public property HTTP status code, such as 403, 404, 500, etc. public integer $statusCode = null

web\HttpException __construct()

__construct() public method Constructor. public void __construct ( $status, $message = null, $code = 0, Exception $previous = null )$status integer HTTP status code, such as 404, 500, etc. $message string Error message $code integer Error code $previous Exception The previous exception used for the exception chaining.

web\HttpException getName()

getName() public method public string getName ( )return string The user-friendly name of this exception

web\HeaderCollection toArray()

toArray() public method Returns the collection as a PHP array. public array toArray ( )return array The array representation of the collection. The array keys are header names, and the array values are the corresponding header values.

web\HtmlResponseFormatter format()

format() public method Formats the specified response. public void format ( $response )$response yii\web\Response The response to be formatted.

web\HeaderCollection setDefault()

setDefault() public method Sets a new header only if it does not exist yet. If there is already a header with the same name, the new one will be ignored. public $this setDefault ( $name, $value )$name string The name of the header $value string The value of the header return $this The collection object itself

web\HtmlResponseFormatter $contentType

$contentType public property The Content-Type header for the response public string $contentType = 'text/html'

web\HeaderCollection removeAll()

removeAll() public method Removes all headers. public void removeAll ( )

web\HeaderCollection set()

set() public method Adds a new header. If there is already a header with the same name, it will be replaced. public $this set ( $name, $value = '' )$name string The name of the header $value string The value of the header return $this The collection object itself

web\HeaderCollection remove()

remove() public method Removes a header. public array remove ( $name )$name string The name of the header to be removed. return array The value of the removed header. Null is returned if the header does not exist.