validators\FileValidator $wrongMimeType

$wrongMimeType public property The error message used when the file has an mime type that is not allowed by $mimeTypes property. You may use the following tokens in the message: {attribute}: the attribute name {file}: the uploaded file name {mimeTypes}: the value of $mimeTypes public string $wrongMimeType = null

validators\FileValidator $wrongExtension

$wrongExtension public property The error message used when the uploaded file has an extension name that is not listed in $extensions. You may use the following tokens in the message: {attribute}: the attribute name {file}: the uploaded file name {extensions}: the list of the allowed extensions. public string $wrongExtension = null

validators\FileValidator $uploadRequired

$uploadRequired public property The error message used when no file is uploaded. Note that this is the text of the validation error message. To make uploading files required, you have to set $skipOnEmpty to false. public string $uploadRequired = null

validators\FileValidator $tooSmall

$tooSmall public property The error message used when the uploaded file is too small. You may use the following tokens in the message: {attribute}: the attribute name {file}: the uploaded file name {limit}: the value of $minSize {formattedLimit}: the value of $minSize formatted with [[\yii\i18n\Formatter::asShortSize()|Formatter::asShortSize()] public string $tooSmall = null

validators\FileValidator $tooMany

$tooMany public property The error message used if the count of multiple uploads exceeds limit. You may use the following tokens in the message: {attribute}: the attribute name {limit}: the value of $maxFiles public string $tooMany = null

validators\FileValidator $tooBig

$tooBig public property The error message used when the uploaded file is too large. You may use the following tokens in the message: {attribute}: the attribute name {file}: the uploaded file name {limit}: the maximum size allowed (see getSizeLimit()) {formattedLimit}: the maximum size formatted with Formatter::asShortSize() public string $tooBig = null

validators\FileValidator $sizeLimit

$sizeLimit public read-only property The size limit for uploaded files. public integer getSizeLimit ( )

validators\FileValidator $minSize

$minSize public property The minimum number of bytes required for the uploaded file. Defaults to null, meaning no limit. See also $tooSmall for the customized message for a file that is too small. public integer $minSize = null

validators\FileValidator $mimeTypes

$mimeTypes public property A list of file MIME types that are allowed to be uploaded. This can be either an array or a string consisting of file MIME types separated by space or comma (e.g. "text/plain, image/png"). The mask with the special character * can be used to match groups of mime types. For example image/* will pass all mime types, that begin with image/ (e.g. image/jpeg, image/png). Mime type names are case-insensitive. Defaults to null, meaning all MIME types are allowed. See als

validators\FileValidator $message

$message public property The error message used when a file is not uploaded correctly. public string $message = null