log\EmailTarget composeMessage()

composeMessage() protected method Composes a mail message with the given body content. protected yii\mail\MessageInterface composeMessage ( $body )$body string The body content return yii\mail\MessageInterface $message

log\EmailTarget $message

$message public property The configuration array for creating a message object. Note that the "to" option must be set, which specifies the destination email address(es). public array $message = []

log\EmailTarget $mailer

$mailer public property The mailer object or the application component ID of the mailer object. After the EmailTarget object is created, if you want to change this property, you should only assign it with a mailer object. Starting from version 2.0.2, this can also be a configuration array for creating the object. public yii\mail\MailerInterface|array|string $mailer = 'mailer'

log\Dispatcher __construct()

__construct() public method Constructor. The default implementation does two things: Initializes the object with the given configuration $config. Call init(). If this method is overridden in a child class, it is recommended that the last parameter of the constructor is a configuration array, like $config here. call the parent implementation at the end of the constructor. public void __construct ( $config = [] )$config array Name-value pairs that will be used to initialize the object prop

log\Dispatcher setTraceLevel()

setTraceLevel() public method public void setTraceLevel ( $value )$value integer How many application call stacks should be logged together with each message. This method will set the value of yii\log\Logger::$traceLevel. If the value is greater than 0, at most that number of call stacks will be logged. Note that only application call stacks are counted. Defaults to 0.

log\Dispatcher setLogger()

setLogger() public method Sets the connected logger. public void setLogger ( $value )$value yii\log\Logger|string|array The logger to be used. This can either be a logger instance or a configuration that will be used to create one using Yii::createObject().

log\Dispatcher setFlushInterval()

setFlushInterval() public method public void setFlushInterval ( $value )$value integer How many messages should be logged before they are sent to targets. This method will set the value of yii\log\Logger::$flushInterval. Defaults to 1000, meaning the yii\log\Logger::flush() method will be invoked once every 1000 messages logged. Set this property to be 0 if you don't want to flush messages until the application terminates. This property mainly affects how much memory will be taken by the l

log\Dispatcher init()

init() public method Initializes the object. This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration. public void init ( )

log\Dispatcher getTraceLevel()

getTraceLevel() public method public integer getTraceLevel ( )return integer How many application call stacks should be logged together with each message. This method returns the value of yii\log\Logger::$traceLevel. Defaults to 0.

log\Dispatcher getLogger()

getLogger() public method Gets the connected logger. If not set, Yii::getLogger() will be used. public yii\log\Logger getLogger ( )return yii\log\Logger The logger.