data\Pagination $limit

$limit public read-only property The limit of the data. This may be used to set the LIMIT value for a SQL statement for fetching the current page of data. Note that if the page size is infinite, a value -1 will be returned. public integer getLimit ( )

data\Pagination $forcePageParam

$forcePageParam public property Whether to always have the page parameter in the URL created by createUrl(). If false and $page is 0, the page parameter will not be put in the URL. public boolean $forcePageParam = true

data\Pagination $defaultPageSize

$defaultPageSize public property The default page size. This property will be returned by $pageSize when page size cannot be determined by $pageSizeParam from $params. public integer $defaultPageSize = 20

data\DataProviderInterface prepare()

prepare() public abstract method Prepares the data models and keys. This method will prepare the data models and keys that can be retrieved via getModels() and getKeys(). This method will be implicitly called by getModels() and getKeys() if it has not been called before. public abstract void prepare ( $forcePrepare = false )$forcePrepare boolean Whether to force data preparation even if it has been done before.

data\DataProviderInterface getTotalCount()

getTotalCount() public abstract method Returns the total number of data models. When pagination is false, this is the same as count. public abstract integer getTotalCount ( )return integer Total number of possible data models.

data\DataProviderInterface getSort()

getSort() public abstract method public abstract yii\data\Sort getSort ( )return yii\data\Sort The sorting object. If this is false, it means the sorting is disabled.

data\DataProviderInterface getPagination()

getPagination() public abstract method public abstract yii\data\Pagination getPagination ( )return yii\data\Pagination The pagination object. If this is false, it means the pagination is disabled.

data\DataProviderInterface getModels()

getModels() public abstract method Returns the data models in the current page. public abstract array getModels ( )return array The list of data models in the current page.

data\DataProviderInterface getKeys()

getKeys() public abstract method Returns the key values associated with the data models. public abstract array getKeys ( )return array The list of key values corresponding to models. Each data model in models is uniquely identified by the corresponding key value in this array.

data\DataProviderInterface getCount()

getCount() public abstract method Returns the number of data models in the current page. This is equivalent to count($provider->getModels()). When pagination is false, this is the same as totalCount. public abstract integer getCount ( )return integer The number of data models in the current page.