
checkPostAuth(UserInterface $user) Checks the user account after authentication. Parameters UserInterface $user a UserInterface instance


class UserChecker implements UserCheckerInterface UserChecker checks the user account flags. Methods checkPreAuth(UserInterface $user) Checks the user account before authentication. checkPostAuth(UserInterface $user) Checks the user account after authentication. Details checkPreAuth(UserInterface $user) Checks the user account before authentication. Parameters UserInterface $user a UserInterface instance c


bool supports(TokenInterface $token) Checks whether this provider supports the given token. Parameters TokenInterface $token A TokenInterface instance Return Value bool true if the implementation supports the Token, false otherwise


TokenInterface authenticate(TokenInterface $token) Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object. Parameters TokenInterface $token The TokenInterface instance to authenticate Return Value TokenInterface An authenticated TokenInterface instance, never null Exceptions AuthenticationException if the authentication fails


class UserAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProviderInterface UserProviderInterface retrieves users for UsernamePasswordToken tokens. Methods __construct(UserCheckerInterface $userChecker, string $providerKey, bool $hideUserNotFoundExceptions = true) Constructor. TokenInterface authenticate(TokenInterface $token) Attempts to authenticate a TokenInterface object. bool supports(TokenInterface $token) Checks whether this provider supports the given token. Details


bool isEnabled() Checks whether the user is enabled. Internally, if this method returns false, the authentication system will throw a DisabledException and prevent login. Return Value bool true if the user is enabled, false otherwise


bool isCredentialsNonExpired() Checks whether the user's credentials (password) has expired. Internally, if this method returns false, the authentication system will throw a CredentialsExpiredException and prevent login. Return Value bool true if the user's credentials are non expired, false otherwise


bool isAccountNonLocked() Checks whether the user is locked. Internally, if this method returns false, the authentication system will throw a LockedException and prevent login. Return Value bool true if the user is not locked, false otherwise


bool isAccountNonExpired() Checks whether the user's account has expired. Internally, if this method returns false, the authentication system will throw an AccountExpiredException and prevent login. Return Value bool true if the user's account is non expired, false otherwise


string getUsername() Returns the username used to authenticate the user. Return Value string The username