matchPath(string $regexp) Adds a check for the URL path info. Parameters string $regexp A Regexp
mixed|null getCacheControlDirective(string $key) Returns a Cache-Control directive value by name. Parameters string $key The directive name Return Value mixed|null The directive value if defined, null otherwise
setHeaders(array $headers) Parameters array $headers
string getBinaryDir() Returns the directory where the binary resource bundles are stored. Return Value string An absolute path to a directory.
string getUrl(string $path) Returns an absolute or root-relative public path. Parameters string $path A path Return Value string The public path
string getTargetUrl() Returns the target URL. Return Value string target URL
matchMethod(string|string[] $method) Adds a check for the HTTP method. Parameters string|string[] $method An HTTP method or an array of HTTP methods
string renderPattern() Renders string representation of pattern. Return Value string
bool isFrozen() Returns true if the container parameter bag are frozen. Return Value bool true if the container parameter bag are frozen, false otherwise
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