YearTransformer deprecated

class YearTransformer extends YearTransformer deprecated since version 2.3, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat\YearTransformer} instead. Alias of {@link \Symfony\Component\Intl\DateFormatter\DateFormat\YearTransformer}. Methods string format(DateTime $dateTime, int $length) Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source. from YearTransformer string getReverseMatchingRegExp(int $length) Returns a reverse matching regul


string format(DateTime $dateTime, int $length) Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source. Parameters DateTime $dateTime A DateTime object to be used to generate the formatted value int $length The formatted value string length Return Value string The formatted value


array extractDateOptions(string $matched, int $length) Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular expression. Parameters string $matched The matched value int $length The length of the Transformer pattern string Return Value array An associative array


string getReverseMatchingRegExp(int $length) Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format(). Parameters int $length The length of the value to be reverse matched Return Value string The reverse matching regular expression


class YamlReferenceDumper Dumps a Yaml reference configuration for the given configuration/node instance. Methods dump(ConfigurationInterface $configuration) dumpNode(NodeInterface $node) Details dump(ConfigurationInterface $configuration) Parameters ConfigurationInterface $configuration dumpNode(NodeInterface $node) Parameters NodeInterface $node


dumpNode(NodeInterface $node) Parameters NodeInterface $node


class YamlLintCommand extends Command Validates YAML files syntax and outputs encountered errors. Methods __construct(string|null $name = null) Constructor. from Command ignoreValidationErrors() Ignores validation errors. from Command setApplication(Application $application = null) Sets the application instance for this command. from Command setHelperSet(HelperSet $helperSet) Sets the helper set. from Command HelperSet getHelperSet() Gets the helper set. from Command Ap


class YearTransformer extends Transformer Parser and formatter for year format. Methods string format(DateTime $dateTime, int $length) Format a value using a configured DateTime as date/time source. string getReverseMatchingRegExp(int $length) Returns a reverse matching regular expression of a string generated by format(). array extractDateOptions(string $matched, int $length) Extract date options from a matched value returned by the processing of the reverse matching regular e


dump(ConfigurationInterface $configuration) Parameters ConfigurationInterface $configuration


class YamlFilesLoader extends FilesLoader Loads validation metadata from a list of YAML files. Methods __construct(array $paths) Creates a new loader. from FilesLoader bool loadClassMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata) Loads validation metadata into a {@link ClassMetadata} instance. from LoaderChain getFileLoaderInstance($file) {@inheritdoc} Details __construct(array $paths) Creates a new loader. Parameters array $paths An array of file