
class Voter implements VoterInterface Voter is an abstract default implementation of a voter. Methods int vote(TokenInterface $token, mixed $subject, array $attributes) Returns the vote for the given parameters. Details int vote(TokenInterface $token, mixed $subject, array $attributes) Returns the vote for the given parameters. This method must return one of the following constants: ACCESSGRANTED, ACCESSDENIED, or ACCESS_ABSTAIN. Parameters T


interface VoterInterface VoterInterface is the interface implemented by all voters. Constants ACCESS_GRANTED ACCESS_ABSTAIN ACCESS_DENIED Methods int vote(TokenInterface $token, mixed $subject, array $attributes) Returns the vote for the given parameters. Details int vote(TokenInterface $token, mixed $subject, array $attributes) Returns the vote for the given parameters. This method must return one of the following constants: ACCE

VirtualFormAwareIterator deprecated::hasChildren()

hasChildren() {@inheritdoc}


class WebProcessor extends WebProcessor WebProcessor override to read from the HttpFoundation's Request. Methods __construct(array $extraFields = null) onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) Details __construct(array $extraFields = null) Parameters array $extraFields onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) Parameters GetResponseEvent $event


interface WarmableInterface Interface for classes that support warming their cache. Methods warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Details warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory


bool mapsForm(int $index) Returns whether an element maps directly to a form. Consider the following violation path: children[address].children[office].data.street In this example, "address" and "office" map to forms, while "street does not. Parameters int $index The element index Return Value bool Whether the element maps to a form Exceptions OutOfBoundsException If the offset is invalid.

VirtualFormAwareIterator deprecated::getChildren()

getChildren() {@inheritdoc}


bool isProperty(int $index) Returns whether the element at the given index is a property. Parameters int $index The index in the property path Return Value bool Whether the element at this index is a property Exceptions OutOfBoundsException If the offset is invalid


class ViolationPathIterator extends PropertyPathIterator Methods __construct(ViolationPath $violationPath) Constructor. Boolean isIndex() Returns whether the current element in the property path is an array index. from PropertyPathIterator Boolean isProperty() Returns whether the current element in the property path is a property name. from PropertyPathIterator mapsForm() Details __construct(ViolationPath $violationPath) Constructo

VirtualFormAwareIterator deprecated

class VirtualFormAwareIterator extends IteratorIterator implements RecursiveIterator deprecated since version 2.3, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link InheritDataAwareIterator} instead. Iterator that traverses an array of forms. You can wrap the iterator into a {@link \RecursiveIterator} in order to enter any child form that inherits its parent's data and iterate the children of that form as well. Methods __construct(Traversable $iterator) getChildren() {@inheritdoc} hasChild