RequestContext setQueryString(string $queryString) Sets the query string. Parameters string $queryString The query string (after "?") Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
RequestContext getContext() Gets the request context. Return Value RequestContext The context
RequestContext setScheme(string $scheme) Sets the HTTP scheme. Parameters string $scheme The HTTP scheme Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
interface RequestContextAwareInterface Methods setContext(RequestContext $context) Sets the request context. RequestContext getContext() Gets the request context. Details setContext(RequestContext $context) Sets the request context. Parameters RequestContext $context The context RequestContext getContext() Gets the request context. Return Value RequestContext The context
RequestContext setMethod(string $method) Sets the HTTP method. Parameters string $method The HTTP method Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
RequestContext setPathInfo(string $pathInfo) Sets the path info. Parameters string $pathInfo The path info Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
RequestContext setParameter(string $name, mixed $parameter) Sets a parameter value. Parameters string $name A parameter name mixed $parameter The parameter value Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
RequestContext setParameters(array $parameters) Sets the parameters. Parameters array $parameters The parameters Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
RequestContext setHttpsPort(int $httpsPort) Sets the HTTPS port. Parameters int $httpsPort The HTTPS port Return Value RequestContext The current instance, implementing a fluent interface
bool hasParameter(string $name) Checks if a parameter value is set for the given parameter. Parameters string $name A parameter name Return Value bool True if the parameter value is set, false otherwise
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