
string getProxyFactoryCode(Definition $definition, $id) Generates the code to be used to instantiate a proxy in the dumped factory code. Parameters Definition $definition $id Return Value string


string getProxyCode(Definition $definition) Generates the code for the lazy proxy. Parameters Definition $definition Return Value string


class ProxyDumper implements DumperInterface Generates dumped PHP code of proxies via reflection. Methods __construct(string $salt = '') Constructor. bool isProxyCandidate(Definition $definition) Inspects whether the given definitions should produce proxy instantiation logic in the dumped container. string getProxyFactoryCode(Definition $definition, $id) Generates the code to be used to instantiate a proxy in the dumped factory code. string getProxyCode(Definition $definit


bool isProxyCandidate(Definition $definition) Inspects whether the given definitions should produce proxy instantiation logic in the dumped container. Parameters Definition $definition Return Value bool


save(CacheItemInterface $item) {@inheritdoc} Parameters CacheItemInterface $item


saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item) {@inheritdoc} Parameters CacheItemInterface $item


class ProxyCacheWarmer implements CacheWarmerInterface The proxy generator cache warmer generates all entity proxies. In the process of generating proxies the cache for all the metadata is primed also, since this information is necessary to build the proxies in the first place. Methods __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry) Constructor. Boolean isOptional() This cache warmer is not optional, without proxies fatal error occurs! warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. De


hasItem($key) {@inheritdoc} Parameters $key


Boolean isOptional() This cache warmer is not optional, without proxies fatal error occurs! Return Value Boolean true if the warmer is optional, false otherwise


warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory