
ValidatorBuilderInterface setMetadataCache(CacheInterface $cache) Sets the cache for caching class metadata. Parameters CacheInterface $cache The cache instance Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface setMetadataFactory(MetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory) Sets the class metadata factory used by the validator. Parameters MetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory The metadata factory Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorInterface getValidator() Builds and returns a new validator object. Return Value ValidatorInterface The built validator.


ValidatorBuilderInterface setConstraintValidatorFactory(ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface $validatorFactory) Sets the constraint validator factory used by the validator. Parameters ConstraintValidatorFactoryInterface $validatorFactory The validator factory Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface enableAnnotationMapping(Reader $annotationReader = null) Enables annotation based constraint mapping. Parameters Reader $annotationReader The annotation reader to be used Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface addYamlMapping(string $path) Adds a YAML constraint mapping file to the validator. Parameters string $path The path to the mapping file Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface addYamlMappings(array $paths) Adds a list of YAML constraint mappings file to the validator. Parameters array $paths The paths to the mapping files Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface addXmlMappings(array $paths) Adds a list of XML constraint mapping files to the validator. Parameters array $paths The paths to the mapping files Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface disableAnnotationMapping() Disables annotation based constraint mapping. Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object


ValidatorBuilderInterface addMethodMappings(array $methodNames) Enables constraint mapping using the given static methods. Parameters array $methodNames The names of the methods Return Value ValidatorBuilderInterface The builder object