
setMessage(string|null $message) Sets the current indicator message. Parameters string|null $message


static callable|null getPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name) Gets the placeholder formatter for a given name. Parameters string $name The placeholder name (including the delimiter char like %) Return Value callable|null A PHP callable


static setPlaceholderFormatterDefinition(string $name, callable $callable) Sets a placeholder formatter for a given name. This method also allow you to override an existing placeholder. Parameters string $name The placeholder name (including the delimiter char like %) callable $callable A PHP callable


finish($message) Finish the indicator with message. Parameters $message

ProgressHelper deprecated::setRedrawFrequency()

setRedrawFrequency(int $freq) Sets the redraw frequency. Parameters int $freq The frequency in steps

ProgressHelper deprecated::start()

start(OutputInterface $output, int|null $max = null) Starts the progress output. Parameters OutputInterface $output An Output instance int|null $max Maximum steps


advance() Advances the indicator.


static string|null getFormatDefinition(string $name) Gets the format for a given name. Parameters string $name The format name Return Value string|null A format string


class ProgressIndicator Methods __construct(OutputInterface $output, string|null $format = null, int $indicatorChangeInterval = 100, array|null $indicatorValues = null) setMessage(string|null $message) Sets the current indicator message. start($message) Starts the indicator output. advance() Advances the indicator. finish($message) Finish the indicator with message. static string|null getFormatDefinition(string $name) Gets the format for a given name. static

ProgressHelper deprecated::setEmptyBarCharacter()

setEmptyBarCharacter(string $char) Sets the empty bar character. Parameters string $char A character