
AclInterface getAcl() The ACL this ACE is associated with. Return Value AclInterface


class EntityUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface Wrapper around a Doctrine ObjectManager. Provides easy to use provisioning for Doctrine entity users. Methods __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry, $classOrAlias, $property = null, $managerName = null) UserInterface loadUserByUsername(string $username) Loads the user for the given username. UserInterface refreshUser(UserInterface $user) Refreshes the user for the account interface. bool supportsClass(string $class


UserInterface loadUserByUsername(string $username) Loads the user for the given username. This method must throw UsernameNotFoundException if the user is not found. Parameters string $username The username Return Value UserInterface Exceptions UsernameNotFoundException if the user is not found


bool supportsClass(string $class) Whether this provider supports the given user class. Parameters string $class Return Value bool


UserInterface refreshUser(UserInterface $user) Refreshes the user for the account interface. It is up to the implementation to decide if the user data should be totally reloaded (e.g. from the database), or if the UserInterface object can just be merged into some internal array of users / identity map. Parameters UserInterface $user Return Value UserInterface Exceptions UnsupportedUserException if the account is not supported


configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) Configures the options for this type. Parameters OptionsResolver $resolver The resolver for the options


class EntityType extends DoctrineType Methods buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) Builds the form. from DoctrineType buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) Builds the form view. from AbstractType finishView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) Finishes the form view. from AbstractType configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver) Configures the options for this type. string getBlockPrefix() Returns the prefix of th


array|false getQueryBuilderPartsForCachingHash(object $queryBuilder) We consider two query builders with an equal SQL string and equal parameters to be equal. Parameters object $queryBuilder Return Value array|false Array with important QueryBuilder parts or false if they can't be determined


EntityLoaderInterface getLoader(ObjectManager $manager, mixed $queryBuilder, string $class) Return the default loader object. Parameters ObjectManager $manager mixed $queryBuilder string $class Return Value EntityLoaderInterface


string getBlockPrefix() Returns the prefix of the template block name for this type. The block prefix defaults to the underscored short class name with the "Type" suffix removed (e.g. "UserProfileType" => "user_profile"). Return Value string The prefix of the template block name