
static castOrmProxy(Proxy $proxy, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters Proxy $proxy array $a Stub $stub $isNested


class DoctrineCaster Casts Doctrine related classes to array representation. Methods static castCommonProxy(Proxy $proxy, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castOrmProxy(Proxy $proxy, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) static castPersistentCollection(PersistentCollection $coll, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Details static castCommonProxy(Proxy $proxy, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested) Parameters Proxy $proxy array $a Stub $s


class DoctrineCache implements CacheInterface Adapts a Doctrine cache to a CacheInterface. Methods __construct(Cache $cache) Creates a new Doctrine cache. setCache(Cache $cache) Sets the cache to adapt. has(string $class) Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache ClassMetadata|false read(string $class) Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache write(ClassMetadata $metadata) Stores a class metadata in the cache Details


class DoctrineAdapter extends AbstractAdapter Traits LoggerAwareTrait Methods static createSystemCache($namespace, $defaultLifetime, $version, $directory, LoggerInterface $logger = null) from AbstractAdapter getItem($key) {@inheritdoc} from AbstractAdapter getItems(array $keys = array()) {@inheritdoc} from AbstractAdapter hasItem($key) {@inheritdoc} from AbstractAdapter clear() {@inheritdoc} from AbstractAdapter deleteItem($key) {@inheritdoc} from AbstractAdapte


has(string $class) Returns whether metadata for the given class exists in the cache Parameters string $class


ClassMetadata|false read(string $class) Returns the metadata for the given class from the cache Parameters string $class Class Name Return Value ClassMetadata|false A ClassMetadata instance or false on miss


setCache(Cache $cache) Sets the cache to adapt. Parameters Cache $cache The cache to adapt


evictFromCacheByIdentity(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid) Removes an ACL from the cache The ACL which is returned, must reference the passed object identity. Parameters ObjectIdentityInterface $oid


putInCache(AclInterface $acl) Stores a new ACL in the cache Parameters AclInterface $acl


AclInterface getFromCacheByIdentity(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid) Retrieves an ACL for the given object identity from the cache Parameters ObjectIdentityInterface $oid Return Value AclInterface