
FormTypeInterface getType(string $name) Returns a type by name. Parameters string $name The name of the type Return Value FormTypeInterface The type Exceptions InvalidArgumentException if the given type is not supported by this extension


bool hasType(string $name) Returns whether the given type is supported. Parameters string $name The name of the type Return Value bool Whether the type is supported by this extension


class DeprecationErrorHandler Catch deprecation notices and print a summary report at the end of the test suite. Constants MODE_WEAK MODE_DISABLED Methods static register(int|string|false $mode) Registers and configures the deprecation handler. Details static register(int|string|false $mode) Registers and configures the deprecation handler. The following reporting modes are supported: - use "weak" to hide the deprecation report but ke


object denormalize(mixed $data, string $class, string $format = null, array $context = array()) Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class. Parameters mixed $data data to restore string $class the expected class to instantiate string $format format the given data was extracted from array $context options available to the denormalizer Return Value object


bool supportsDenormalization(mixed $data, string $type, string $format = null) Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer. Parameters mixed $data Data to denormalize from string $type The class to which the data should be denormalized string $format The format being deserialized from Return Value bool


class DependencyInjectionExtension implements FormExtensionInterface Methods __construct(ContainerInterface $container, array $typeServiceIds, array $typeExtensionServiceIds, array $guesserServiceIds) FormTypeInterface getType(string $name) Returns a type by name. bool hasType(string $name) Returns whether the given type is supported. FormTypeExtensionInterface[] getTypeExtensions(string $name) Returns the extensions for the given type. bool hasTypeExtensions(string $n


interface DenormalizerInterface Defines the interface of denormalizers. Methods object denormalize(mixed $data, string $class, string $format = null, array $context = array()) Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class. bool supportsDenormalization(mixed $data, string $type, string $format = null) Checks whether the given class is supported for denormalization by this normalizer. Details object denormalize(mixed $data, string $class, str


trait DenormalizerAwareTrait DenormalizerAware trait. Methods setDenormalizer(DenormalizerInterface $denormalizer) Sets the Denormalizer. Details setDenormalizer(DenormalizerInterface $denormalizer) Sets the Denormalizer. Parameters DenormalizerInterface $denormalizer A DenormalizerInterface instance


class DelegatingLoader extends Loader DelegatingLoader delegates loading to other loaders using a loader resolver. This loader acts as an array of LoaderInterface objects - each having a chance to load a given resource (handled by the resolver) Methods LoaderResolverInterface getResolver() Gets the loader resolver. from Loader setResolver(LoaderResolverInterface $resolver) Sets the loader resolver. from Loader mixed import(mixed $resource, string|null $type = null) Imports a reso


interface DenormalizableInterface Defines the most basic interface a class must implement to be denormalizable. If a denormalizer is registered for the class and it doesn't implement the Denormalizable interfaces, the normalizer will be used instead Methods object denormalize(DenormalizerInterface $denormalizer, array|scalar $data, string|null $format = null, array $context = array()) Denormalizes the object back from an array of scalars|arrays. Details object