
class CutStub extends Stub Represents the main properties of a PHP variable, pre-casted by a caster. Constants TYPE_REF TYPE_STRING TYPE_ARRAY TYPE_OBJECT TYPE_RESOURCE STRING_BINARY STRING_UTF8 ARRAY_ASSOC ARRAY_INDEXED Properties $type from Stub $class from Stub $value from Stub $cut from Stub $handle from Stub $refCount from Stub $position from Stub Methods __construct($value) Details __cons


class CutArrayStub extends CutStub Represents a cut array. Constants TYPE_REF TYPE_STRING TYPE_ARRAY TYPE_OBJECT TYPE_RESOURCE STRING_BINARY STRING_UTF8 ARRAY_ASSOC ARRAY_INDEXED Properties $type from Stub $class from Stub $value from Stub $cut from Stub $handle from Stub $refCount from Stub $position from Stub $preservedSubset Methods __construct($value, array $preservedKeys) Details __con


bool supportsNormalization(mixed $data, string $format = null) Checks if the given class implements the NormalizableInterface. Parameters mixed $data Data to normalize string $format The format being (de-)serialized from or into Return Value bool


bool supportsDenormalization(mixed $data, string $type, string $format = null) Checks if the given class implements the NormalizableInterface. Parameters mixed $data Data to denormalize from string $type The class to which the data should be denormalized string $format The format being deserialized from Return Value bool


class CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException extends AuthenticationException An authentication exception where you can control the message shown to the user. Be sure that the message passed to this exception is something that can be shown safely to your user. In other words, avoid catching other exceptions and passing their message directly to this class. Methods TokenInterface getToken() Get the token. from AuthenticationException setToken(TokenInterface $token) Set the token. fr


object denormalize(mixed $data, string $class, string $format = null, array $context = array()) Denormalizes data back into an object of the given class. Parameters mixed $data data to restore string $class the expected class to instantiate string $format format the given data was extracted from array $context options available to the denormalizer Return Value object


class CustomFilterIterator extends FilterIterator CustomFilterIterator filters files by applying anonymous functions. The anonymous function receives a \SplFileInfo and must return false to remove files. Methods rewind() This is a workaround for the problem with \FilterIterator leaving inner \FilesystemIterator in wrong state after rewind in some cases. from FilterIterator __construct(Iterator $iterator, array $filters) Constructor. bool accept() Filters the iterator values.


class CustomNormalizer implements NormalizerInterface, DenormalizerInterface, SerializerAwareInterface Traits SerializerAwareTrait SerializerAware trait. Methods setSerializer(SerializerInterface $serializer) Sets the serializer. from SerializerAwareTrait array|scalar normalize(object $object, string $format = null, array $context = array()) Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars. object denormalize(mixed $data, string $class, string $format = null, array $context


array|scalar normalize(object $object, string $format = null, array $context = array()) Normalizes an object into a set of arrays/scalars. Parameters object $object object to normalize string $format format the normalization result will be encoded as array $context Context options for the normalizer Return Value array|scalar


class Cursor Represents the current state of a dumper while dumping. Constants HASH_INDEXED HASH_ASSOC HASH_OBJECT HASH_RESOURCE Properties $depth $refIndex $softRefTo $softRefCount $softRefHandle $hardRefTo $hardRefCount $hardRefHandle $hashType $hashKey $hashKeyIsBinary $hashIndex $hashLength $hashCut $stop