
compile() Compiles the container. This method does two things: Parameter values are resolved; The parameter bag is frozen.


static string camelize(string $id) Camelizes a string. Parameters string $id A string to camelize Return Value string The camelized string


class Container implements ResettableContainerInterface Container is a dependency injection container. It gives access to object instances (services). Services and parameters are simple key/pair stores. Parameter and service keys are case insensitive. A service id can contain lowercased letters, digits, underscores, and dots. Underscores are used to separate words, and dots to group services under namespaces: request mysql_session_storage symfony.mysql_session_storage A service can also be d


addAll(ConstraintViolationListInterface $otherList) Merges an existing violation list into this list. Parameters ConstraintViolationListInterface $otherList The list to merge


remove(int $offset) Removes a violation at a given offset. Parameters int $offset The offset to remove


class ConstStub extends Stub Represents a PHP constant and its value. Constants TYPE_REF TYPE_STRING TYPE_ARRAY TYPE_OBJECT TYPE_RESOURCE STRING_BINARY STRING_UTF8 ARRAY_ASSOC ARRAY_INDEXED Properties $type from Stub $class from Stub $value from Stub $cut from Stub $handle from Stub $refCount from Stub $position from Stub Methods __construct($name, $value) Details __construct($name, $value)


add(ConstraintViolationInterface $violation) Adds a constraint violation to this list. Parameters ConstraintViolationInterface $violation The violation to add


bool has(int $offset) Returns whether the given offset exists. Parameters int $offset The violation offset Return Value bool Whether the offset exists


remove(int $offset) Removes a violation at a given offset. Parameters int $offset The offset to remove


offsetUnset($offset) {@inheritdoc} Parameters $offset