
Namespaces Symfony\Component\Translation\CatalogueSymfony\Component\Translation\DumperSymfony\Component\Translation\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Translation\ExtractorSymfony\Component\Translation\LoaderSymfony\Component\Translation\Writer Classes IdentityTranslator IdentityTranslator does not translate anything. Interval Tests if a given number belongs to a given math interval. MessageCatalogue MessageCatalogue. MessageSelector MessageSelector. PluralizationRules Returns the


Classes TranslationDataCollector


Classes AssetsHelper AssetsHelper helps manage asset URLs. CoreAssetsHelper CoreAssetsHelper helps manage asset URLs. Helper Helper is the base class for all helper classes. SlotsHelper SlotsHelper manages template slots. Interfaces HelperInterface HelperInterface is the interface all helpers must implement.


Classes Package The basic package will add a version to asset URLs. PathPackage The path packages adds a version and a base path to asset URLs. UrlPackage The URL packages adds a version and a base URL to asset URLs. Interfaces PackageInterface Asset package interface.


Classes CacheLoader CacheLoader is a loader that caches other loaders responses on the filesystem. ChainLoader ChainLoader is a loader that calls other loaders to load templates. FilesystemLoader FilesystemLoader is a loader that read templates from the filesystem. Loader Loader is the base class for all template loader classes. Interfaces LoaderInterface LoaderInterface is the interface all loaders must implement.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Templating\AssetSymfony\Component\Templating\HelperSymfony\Component\Templating\LoaderSymfony\Component\Templating\Storage Classes DelegatingEngine DelegatingEngine selects an engine for a given template. PhpEngine PhpEngine is an engine able to render PHP templates. TemplateNameParser TemplateNameParser is the default implementation of TemplateNameParserInterface. TemplateReference Internal representation of a template. Interfaces DebuggerInter


Classes FileStorage FileStorage represents a template stored on the filesystem. Storage Storage is the base class for all storage classes. StringStorage StringStorage represents a template stored in a string.


Classes CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter CamelCase to Underscore name converter. Interfaces NameConverterInterface Defines the interface for property name converters.


Classes CustomNormalizer GetSetMethodNormalizer Converts between objects with getter and setter methods and arrays. SerializerAwareNormalizer SerializerAware Normalizer implementation Interfaces DenormalizableInterface Defines the most basic interface a class must implement to be denormalizable DenormalizerInterface Defines the interface of denormalizers. NormalizableInterface Defines the most basic interface a class must implement to be normalizable NormalizerInterfa


Classes Section Stopwatch Stopwatch provides a way to profile code. StopwatchEvent Represents an Event managed by Stopwatch. StopwatchPeriod Represents an Period for an Event.