
Classes ChainUserProvider Chain User Provider. InMemoryUserProvider InMemoryUserProvider is a simple non persistent user provider. User User is the user implementation used by the in-memory user provider. UserChecker UserChecker checks the user account flags. Interfaces AdvancedUserInterface Adds extra features to a user class related to account status flags. EquatableInterface EquatableInterface used to test if two objects are equal in security and re-authentication co


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter Classes AccessDecisionManager AccessDecisionManager is the base class for all access decision managers that use decision voters. Interfaces AccessDecisionManagerInterface AccessDecisionManagerInterface makes authorization decisions.


Classes BCryptPasswordEncoder BasePasswordEncoder BasePasswordEncoder is the base class for all password encoders. EncoderFactory A generic encoder factory implementation MessageDigestPasswordEncoder MessageDigestPasswordEncoder uses a message digest algorithm. Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder uses the PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2). PlaintextPasswordEncoder PlaintextPasswordEncoder does not do any encoding. Interfaces EncoderFactoryInter


Classes AuthenticationEvent This is a general purpose authentication event. AuthenticationFailureEvent This event is dispatched on authentication failure.


Classes AuthenticatedVoter AuthenticatedVoter votes if an attribute like ISAUTHENTICATEDFULLY, ISAUTHENTICATEDREMEMBERED, or ISAUTHENTICATEDANONYMOUSLY is present. RoleHierarchyVoter RoleHierarchyVoter uses a RoleHierarchy to determine the roles granted to the user before voting. RoleVoter RoleVoter votes if any attribute starts with a given prefix. Interfaces VoterInterface VoterInterface is the interface implemented by all voters.


Classes AbstractToken Base class for Token instances. AnonymousToken AnonymousToken represents an anonymous token. PreAuthenticatedToken PreAuthenticatedToken implements a pre-authenticated token. RememberMeToken Authentication Token for "Remember-Me". UsernamePasswordToken UsernamePasswordToken implements a username and password token. Interfaces TokenInterface TokenInterface is the interface for the user authentication information.


Classes TokenStorage TokenStorage contains a TokenInterface Interfaces TokenStorageInterface The TokenStorageInterface.


Classes AnonymousAuthenticationProvider AnonymousAuthenticationProvider validates AnonymousToken instances. DaoAuthenticationProvider DaoAuthenticationProvider uses a UserProviderInterface to retrieve the user for a UsernamePasswordToken. PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider Processes a pre-authenticated authentication request. RememberMeAuthenticationProvider UserAuthenticationProvider UserProviderInterface retrieves users for UsernamePasswordToken tokens. Interfaces A


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\ProviderSymfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\RememberMeSymfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token Classes AuthenticationProviderManager AuthenticationProviderManager uses a list of AuthenticationProviderInterface instances to authenticate a Token. AuthenticationTrustResolver The default implementation of the authentication trust resolver. Interfaces AuthenticationManagerInterface AuthenticationManagerIn


Classes InMemoryTokenProvider This class is used for testing purposes, and is not really suited for production. PersistentToken This class is only used by PersistentTokenRememberMeServices internally. Interfaces PersistentTokenInterface Interface to be implemented by persistent token classes (such as Doctrine entities representing a remember-me token) TokenProviderInterface Interface for TokenProviders