
FormConfigBuilderInterface setAutoInitialize(bool $initialize) Unsupported method. Parameters bool $initialize True to initialize the form automatically, false to suppress automatic initialization. In the second case, you need to call {@link FormInterface::initialize()} manually. Return Value FormConfigBuilderInterface The configuration object Exceptions BadMethodCallException


array all() Gets the template parameters. Return Value array An array of parameters

ProgressHelper deprecated::start()

start(OutputInterface $output, int|null $max = null) Starts the progress output. Parameters OutputInterface $output An Output instance int|null $max Maximum steps


array create(ContainerBuilder $container, string $id, array $config, string $userProvider, string $defaultEntryPoint) Configures the container services required to use the authentication listener. Parameters ContainerBuilder $container string $id The unique id of the firewall array $config The options array for the listener string $userProvider The service id of the user provider string $defaultEntryPoint Return Value array containing three values: - the provider id - the lis


class LoggingTranslatorPass implements CompilerPassInterface Methods process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Details process(ContainerBuilder $container) You can modify the container here before it is dumped to PHP code. Parameters ContainerBuilder $container


class RuntimeException extends RuntimeException implements ExceptionInterface Exception class thrown when an error occurs during parsing.


DataTransformerInterface[] getTransformers() Return Value DataTransformerInterface[]


class AuthenticationFailureEvent extends AuthenticationEvent This event is dispatched on authentication failure. Methods Boolean isPropagationStopped() Returns whether further event listeners should be triggered. from Event stopPropagation() Stops the propagation of the event to further event listeners. from Event setDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) Stores the EventDispatcher that dispatches this Event from Event EventDispatcherInterface getDispatcher() Return

LazyChoiceList deprecated::getChoicesForValues()

array getChoicesForValues(array $values) Returns the choices corresponding to the given values. The choices can have any data type. The choices must be returned with the same keys and in the same order as the corresponding values in the given array. Parameters array $values An array of choice values. Not existing values in this array are ignored Return Value array An array of choices with ascending, 0-based numeric keys


class FilesystemLoader implements LoaderInterface FilesystemLoader is a loader that read templates from the filesystem. Methods __construct(FileLocatorInterface $locator) Constructor. Storage|bool load(TemplateReferenceInterface $template) Loads a template. bool isFresh(TemplateReferenceInterface $template, int $time) Returns true if the template is still fresh. Details __construct(FileLocatorInterface $locator) Constructor. Parame