
class ClassMapGenerator ClassMapGenerator. Methods static dump(array|string $dirs, string $file) Generate a class map file. static array createMap(Iterator|string $dir) Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes. Details static dump(array|string $dirs, string $file) Generate a class map file. Parameters array|string $dirs Directories or a single path to search in string $file The name of the class map file


static array createMap(Iterator|string $dir) Iterate over all files in the given directory searching for classes. Parameters Iterator|string $dir The directory to search in or an iterator Return Value array A class map array


class ClassLoader ClassLoader implements an PSR-0 class loader. See $loader = new ClassLoader(); // register classes with namespaces $loader->addPrefix('Symfony\Component', __DIR__.'/component'); $loader->addPrefix('Symfony', __DIR__.'/framework'); // activate the autoloader $loader->register(); // to enable searching the include path (e.g. for PEAR packages) $loader->setUseIncludePath(true); In


bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is optional or not. Return Value bool true if the warmer is optional, false otherwise


class CircularReferenceException extends RuntimeException CircularReferenceException.

ClassBasedInterface deprecated

interface ClassBasedInterface deprecated since version 2.5, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link Mapping\ClassMetadataInterface} instead. An object backed by a PHP class. Methods string getClassName() Returns the name of the backing PHP class. Details string getClassName() Returns the name of the backing PHP class. Return Value string The name of the backing class.


class ClassCacheCacheWarmer implements CacheWarmerInterface Generates the Class Cache (classes.php) file. Methods warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is optional or not. Details warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory bool isOptional() Checks whether this warmer is optional or not. Return


class ChromePhpHandler extends ChromePHPHandler ChromePhpHandler. Methods onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event) Adds the headers to the response once it's created. Details onKernelResponse(FilterResponseEvent $event) Adds the headers to the response once it's created. Parameters FilterResponseEvent $event


warmUp(string $cacheDir) Warms up the cache. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory

ChoiceView deprecated

class ChoiceView deprecated since version 2.7, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link \Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView} instead. Represents a choice in templates. Properties string $label The label displayed to humans. string $value The view representation of the choice. mixed $data The original choice value. Methods __construct(mixed $data, string $value, string $label) Creates a new ChoiceView. Details __construct(mixed $data,