
RouteCollection getRoutes() Gets the routes to dump. Return Value RouteCollection A RouteCollection instance


string dump(array $options = array()) Dumps a set of routes to a string representation of executable code that can then be used to generate a URL of such a route. Parameters array $options An array of options Return Value string Executable code


interface GeneratorDumperInterface GeneratorDumperInterface is the interface that all generator dumper classes must implement. Methods string dump(array $options = array()) Dumps a set of routes to a string representation of executable code that can then be used to generate a URL of such a route. RouteCollection getRoutes() Gets the routes to dump. Details string dump(array $options = array()) Dumps a set of routes to a string representati


class GeneratorDumper implements GeneratorDumperInterface GeneratorDumper is the base class for all built-in generator dumpers. Methods __construct(RouteCollection $routes) Constructor. RouteCollection getRoutes() Gets the routes to dump. Details __construct(RouteCollection $routes) Constructor. Parameters RouteCollection $routes The RouteCollection to dump RouteCollection getRoutes() Gets the r


string getSourceDir() Returns the directory where the source versions of the resource bundles are stored. Return Value string An absolute path to a directory


string getIcuVersion() Returns the ICU version of the bundles being converted. Return Value string The ICU version string


BundleWriterInterface[] getBundleWriters() Returns the writers indexed by their output directories. Return Value BundleWriterInterface[]


addBundleWriter(string $targetDir, BundleWriterInterface $writer) Adds a writer to be used during the data conversion. Parameters string $targetDir The output directory BundleWriterInterface $writer The writer instance


class GeneratorConfig Stores contextual information for resource bundle generation. Methods __construct($sourceDir, $icuVersion) addBundleWriter(string $targetDir, BundleWriterInterface $writer) Adds a writer to be used during the data conversion. BundleWriterInterface[] getBundleWriters() Returns the writers indexed by their output directories. string getSourceDir() Returns the directory where the source versions of the resource bundles are stored. string getIcuVers


Specificity getSpecificity() Returns node's specificity. Return Value Specificity