
addViolation(string $message, array $params = array()) Adds a violation at the current node of the validation graph. Parameters string $message The error message array $params The parameters substituted in the error message

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::validateValue()

validateValue(mixed $value, Constraint|Constraint[] $constraints, string $subPath = '', null|string|string[] $groups = null) deprecated deprecated since version 2.5, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link Context\ExecutionContextInterface::getValidator()} instead. Validates a value against a constraint. Use the parameter $subPath to adapt the property path for the validated value. For example, take the following object graph: (Person)---($address: Address)---($street: string)

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::validate()

validate(mixed $value, string $subPath = '', null|string|string[] $groups = null, bool $traverse = false, bool $deep = false) deprecated deprecated since version 2.5, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link Context\ExecutionContextInterface::getValidator()} instead. Validates the given value within the scope of the current validation. The value may be any value recognized by the used metadata factory (see {@link MetadataFactoryInterface::getMetadata}), or an array or a traversable object

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getViolations()

ConstraintViolationListInterface getViolations() Returns the violations generated by the validator so far. Return Value ConstraintViolationListInterface The constraint violation list.

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getValue()

mixed getValue() Returns the value that the validator is currently validating. If you want to retrieve the object that was originally passed to the validator, use {@link getRoot}. Return Value mixed The currently validated value.

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getRoot()

mixed getRoot() Returns the value at which validation was started in the object graph. The validator, when given an object, traverses the properties and related objects and their properties. The root of the validation is the object from which the traversal started. The current value is returned by {@link getValue}. Return Value mixed The root value of the validation.

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getPropertyPath()

string getPropertyPath(string $subPath = '') Returns the property path to the value that the validator is currently validating. For example, take the following object graph: (Person)---($address: Address)---($street: string) When the Person instance is passed to the validator, the property path is initially empty. When the $address property of that person is validated, the property path is "address". When the $street property of the related Address instance is validated, the pr

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getPropertyName()

string|null getPropertyName() Returns the property name of the current node. If the metadata of the current node does not implement {@link PropertyMetadataInterface} or if no metadata is available for the current node, this method returns null. Return Value string|null The property name or null, if no property name could be found.

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getMetadataFactory()

MetadataFactoryInterface getMetadataFactory() deprecated deprecated since version 2.5, to be removed in 3.0. Use {@link Context\ExecutionContextInterface::getValidator()} instead and call {@link Validator\ValidatorInterface::getMetadataFor()} or {@link Validator\ValidatorInterface::hasMetadataFor()} there. Returns the used metadata factory. Return Value MetadataFactoryInterface The metadata factory.

ExecutionContextInterface deprecated::getMetadata()

MetadataInterface|null getMetadata() Returns the metadata for the currently validated value. With the core implementation, this method returns a {@link Mapping\ClassMetadata} instance if the current value is an object, a {@link Mapping\PropertyMetadata} instance if the current value is the value of a property and a {@link Mapping\GetterMetadata} instance if the validated value is the result of a getter method. If the validated value is neither of these, for example if the valida