
class ConsoleTerminateEvent extends ConsoleEvent Allows to manipulate the exit code of a command after its execution. Methods bool isPropagationStopped() Returns whether further event listeners should be triggered. from Event stopPropagation() Stops the propagation of the event to further event listeners. from Event setDispatcher(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher) deprecated Stores the EventDispatcher that dispatches this Event. from Event EventDispatcherInterface getDispa


setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error) Sets the OutputInterface used for errors. Parameters OutputInterface $error


OutputInterface getErrorOutput() Gets the OutputInterface for errors. Return Value OutputInterface


interface ConsoleOutputInterface implements OutputInterface ConsoleOutputInterface is the interface implemented by ConsoleOutput class. This adds information about stderr output stream. Methods write(string|array $messages, Boolean $newline = false, integer $type = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL) Writes a message to the output. from OutputInterface writeln(string|array $messages, integer $type = self::OUTPUT_NORMAL) Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end. from OutputInter


setVerbosity(int $level) Sets the verbosity of the output. Parameters int $level The level of verbosity (one of the VERBOSITY constants)


setFormatter(OutputFormatterInterface $formatter) Sets output formatter. Parameters OutputFormatterInterface $formatter


setErrorOutput(OutputInterface $error) Sets the OutputInterface used for errors. Parameters OutputInterface $error


setDecorated(bool $decorated) Sets the decorated flag. Parameters bool $decorated Whether to decorate the messages


OutputInterface getErrorOutput() Gets the OutputInterface for errors. Return Value OutputInterface


class ConsoleOutput extends StreamOutput implements ConsoleOutputInterface ConsoleOutput is the default class for all CLI output. It uses STDOUT and STDERR. This class is a convenient wrapper around StreamOutput for both STDOUT and STDERR. $output = new ConsoleOutput(); This is equivalent to: $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stdout', 'w')); $stdErr = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://stderr', 'w')); Methods __construct(int $verbosity = self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, bool $decorated = null,