
Namespaces Symfony\Component\Finder\AdapterSymfony\Component\Finder\ComparatorSymfony\Component\Finder\ExceptionSymfony\Component\Finder\ExpressionSymfony\Component\Finder\IteratorSymfony\Component\Finder\Shell Classes Finder Finder allows to build rules to find files and directories. Glob Glob matches globbing patterns against text. SplFileInfo Extends \SplFileInfo to support relative paths


Classes IOException Exception class thrown when a filesystem operation failure happens Interfaces ExceptionInterface Exception interface for all exceptions thrown by the component.


Namespaces Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Exception Classes Filesystem Provides basic utility to manipulate the file system.


Classes ArrayParserCache Interfaces ParserCacheInterface


Classes ArgumentsNode ArrayNode BinaryNode ConditionalNode ConstantNode FunctionNode GetAttrNode NameNode Node Represents a node in the AST. UnaryNode


Namespaces Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\NodeSymfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\ParserCache Classes Compiler Compiles a node to PHP code. Expression Represents an expression. ExpressionFunction Represents a function that can be used in an expression. ExpressionLanguage Allows to compile and evaluate expressions written in your own DSL. Lexer Lexes an expression. ParsedExpression Represents an already parsed expression. Parser Parsers a token stream. Seria


Classes RegisterListenersPass Compiler pass to register tagged services for an event dispatcher.


Interfaces TraceableEventDispatcherInterface


Namespaces Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug Classes ContainerAwareEventDispatcher Lazily loads listeners and subscribers from the dependency injection container Event Event is the base class for classes containing event data. EventDispatcher The EventDispatcherInterface is the central point of Symfony's event listener system. GenericEvent Event encapsulation class. ImmutableEventDispatcher A read-only proxy for an event dispatcher. Interfaces EventDispatcherInter


Classes ChoiceFormField ChoiceFormField represents a choice form field. FileFormField FileFormField represents a file form field (an HTML file input tag). FormField FormField is the abstract class for all form fields. InputFormField InputFormField represents an input form field (an HTML input tag). TextareaFormField TextareaFormField represents a textarea form field (an HTML textarea tag).