
bool supportsDecoding(string $format) Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format. Parameters string $format format name Return Value bool


final mixed decode(string $data, string $format, array $context = array()) Decodes a string into PHP data. Parameters string $data Data to decode string $format Format name array $context options that decoders have access to The format parameter specifies which format the data is in; valid values depend on the specific implementation. Authors implementing this interface are encouraged to document which formats they support in a non-inherited phpdoc comment.


class ChainDecoder implements DecoderInterface Decoder delegating the decoding to a chain of decoders. Methods __construct(array $decoders = array()) mixed decode(string $data, string $format, array $context = array()) Decodes a string into PHP data. bool supportsDecoding(string $format) Checks whether the deserializer can decode from given format. Details __construct(array $decoders = array()) Parameters array $decoders fina


clear(string $cacheDir) Clears any caches necessary. Parameters string $cacheDir The cache directory


add(CacheClearerInterface $clearer) Adds a cache clearer to the aggregate. Parameters CacheClearerInterface $clearer


class ChainCacheClearer implements CacheClearerInterface ChainCacheClearer. Methods __construct(array $clearers = array()) Constructs a new instance of ChainCacheClearer. clear(string $cacheDir) Clears any caches necessary. add(CacheClearerInterface $clearer) Adds a cache clearer to the aggregate. Details __construct(array $clearers = array()) Constructs a new instance of ChainCacheClearer. Parameters array $clearers The initial cl


saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item) {@inheritdoc} Parameters CacheItemInterface $item


save(CacheItemInterface $item) {@inheritdoc} Parameters CacheItemInterface $item


hasItem($key) {@inheritdoc} Parameters $key


getItems(array $keys = array()) {@inheritdoc} Parameters array $keys