Classes WebProcessor WebProcessor override to read from the HttpFoundation's Request
Classes NotFoundActivationStrategy Activation strategy that ignores 404s for certain URLs.
Classes ChromePhpHandler ChromePhpHandler. DebugHandler DebugLogger. FirePHPHandler FirePHPHandler. SwiftMailerHandler Extended SwiftMailerHandler that flushes mail queue if necessary
Classes ConsoleFormatter Formats incoming records for console output by coloring them depending on log level.
Namespaces Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\HandlerSymfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor Classes Logger Logger.
Classes UniqueEntity Constraint for the Unique Entity validator UniqueEntityValidator Unique Entity Validator checks if one or a set of fields contain unique values.
Namespaces Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Validator\Constraints Classes DoctrineInitializer Automatically loads proxy object before validation.
Classes DoctrineTestHelper Provides utility functions needed in tests.
Classes EntityUserProvider Wrapper around a Doctrine ObjectManager.
Classes DoctrineTokenProvider This class provides storage for the tokens that is set in "remember me" cookies. This way no password secrets will be stored in the cookies on the client machine, and thus the security is improved.
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