
titleTextColor string The default text color of the navigation bar title


translucent bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is translucent by default


tintColor string The default color used for buttons in the navigation bar


shadowHidden bool A Boolean value that indicates whether to hide the 1px hairline shadow by default


resetTo(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }) Replaces the top item and popToTop


replacePreviousAndPop(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }) Replaces the previous route/view and transitions back to it.


replace(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }) Replace the route for the current page and immediately load the view for the new route.


push(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }) Navigate forward to a new route


replaceAtIndex(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }, index: number) Replace a route in the navigation stack. index specifies the route in the stack that should be replaced. If it's negative, it counts from the back.


replacePrevious(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }) Replace the route/view for the previous page.