
popToTop() Go back to the top item


popToRoute(route: { component: Function; title: string; passProps?: Object; backButtonTitle?: string; backButtonIcon?: Object; leftButtonTitle?: string; leftButtonIcon?: Object; onLeftButtonPress?: Function; rightButtonTitle?: string; rightButtonIcon?: Object; onRightButtonPress?: Function; wrapperStyle?: any; }) Go back to the item for a particular route object


popN(n: number) Go back N pages at once. When N=1, behavior matches pop()


pop() Go back one page


navigationBarHidden bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the navigation bar is hidden by default


itemWrapperStyle View#style The default wrapper style for components in the navigator. A common use case is to set the backgroundColor for every page


interactivePopGestureEnabled bool A Boolean value that indicates whether the interactive pop gesture is enabled. Useful for enabling/disabling the back swipe navigation gesture. If this prop is not provided, the default behavior is for the back swipe gesture to be enabled when the navigation bar is shown and disabled when the navigation bar is hidden. Once you've provided the interactivePopGestureEnabled prop, you can never restore the default behavior.


initialRoute {component: function, title: string, passProps: object, backButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, backButtonTitle: string, leftButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, leftButtonTitle: string, onLeftButtonPress: function, rightButtonIcon: Image.propTypes.source, rightButtonTitle: string, onRightButtonPress: function, wrapperStyle: [object Object], navigationBarHidden: bool, shadowHidden: bool, tintColor: string, barTintColor: string, titleTextColor: string, translucent: bool} NavigatorIO


barTintColor string The default background color of the navigation bar


sceneStyle View#style Styles to apply to the container of each scene