resetTo(route) Navigate to a new scene and reset route stack.
replacePreviousAndPop(route) Replace the previous scene and pop to it.
replacePrevious(route) Replace the previous scene.
replaceAtIndex(route, index, cb) Replace a scene as specified by an index index specifies the route in the stack that should be replaced. If it's negative, it counts from the back.
replace(route) Replace the current scene with a new route.
renderScene function Required function which renders the scene for a given route. Will be invoked with the route and the navigator object (route, navigator) => <MySceneComponent title={route.title} navigator={navigator} />
push(route) Navigate forward to a new scene, squashing any scenes that you could jumpForward to.
popToTop() Pop to the first scene in the stack, unmounting every other scene.
popToRoute(route) Pop to a particular scene, as specified by its route. All scenes after it will be unmounted.
pop() Transition back and unmount the current scene.
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