zlib.deflateSync(buf[, options]) Compress a Buffer or string with Deflate.
Class: zlib.Gunzip Decompress a gzip stream.
zlib.deflateRaw(buf[, options], callback)
zlib.flush([kind], callback) kind defaults to zlib.Z_FULL_FLUSH. Flush pending data. Don't call this frivolously, premature flushes negatively impact the effectiveness of the compression algorithm.
zlib.deflate(buf[, options], callback)
Class: zlib.DeflateRaw Compress data using deflate, and do not append a zlib header.
zlib.createInflate(options) Returns a new Inflate object with an options.
Class: zlib.Deflate Compress data using deflate.
zlib.createUnzip(options) Returns a new Unzip object with an options.
zlib.createInflateRaw(options) Returns a new InflateRaw object with an options.
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