clientError event (http.Server)

Event: 'clientError' function (exception, socket) { } If a client connection emits an 'error' event, it will be forwarded here. socket is the net.Socket object that the error originated from.


clearInterval(intervalObject) Stops an intervalObject, as created by setInterval, from triggering.


clearTimeout(timeoutObject) Prevents a timeoutObject, as created by setTimeout, from triggering.


Node.js comes with a wide variety of CLI options. These options expose built-in debugging, multiple ways to execute scripts, and other helpful runtime options. To view this documentation as a manual page in your terminal, run man node. Synopsis node [options] [v8 options] [script.js | -e "script"] [arguments] node debug [script.js | -e "script" | <host>:<port>] … node --v8-options Execute without arguments to start the REPL. For more info about node debug, please see the debug


cipher.update(data[, input_encoding][, output_encoding]) Updates the cipher with data. If the input_encoding argument is given, it's value must be one of 'utf8', 'ascii', or 'binary' and the data argument is a string using the specified encoding. If the input_encoding argument is not given, data must be a Buffer. If data is a Buffer then input_encoding is ignored. The output_encoding specifies the output format of the enciphered data, and can be 'binary', 'base64' or 'hex'. If the output_encod


clearImmediate(immediateObject) Stops an immediateObject, as created by setImmediate, from triggering.


cipher.getAuthTag() When using an authenticated encryption mode (only GCM is currently supported), the cipher.getAuthTag() method returns a Buffer containing the authentication tag that has been computed from the given data. The cipher.getAuthTag() method should only be called after encryption has been completed using the method.


cipher.setAAD(buffer) When using an authenticated encryption mode (only GCM is currently supported), the cipher.setAAD() method sets the value used for the additional authenticated data (AAD) input parameter.


cipher.setAutoPadding(auto_padding=true) When using block encryption algorithms, the Cipher class will automatically add padding to the input data to the appropriate block size. To disable the default padding call cipher.setAutoPadding(false). When auto_padding is false, the length of the entire input data must be a multiple of the cipher's block size or will throw an Error. Disabling automatic padding is useful for non-standard padding, for instance using 0x0 instead of PKCS pa[output_encoding]) Returns any remaining enciphered contents. If output_encoding parameter is one of 'binary', 'base64' or 'hex', a string is returned. If an output_encoding is not provided, a Buffer is returned. Once the method has been called, the Cipher object can no longer be used to encrypt data. Attempts to call more than once will result in an error being thrown.