
exception IsADirectoryError Raised when a file operation (such as os.remove()) is requested on a directory. Corresponds to errno EISDIR.


ipaddress.v6_int_to_packed(address) Represent an address as 16 packed bytes in network (big-endian) order. address is an integer representation of an IPv6 IP address. A ValueError is raised if the integer is negative or too large to be an IPv6 IP address.


ipaddress.v4_int_to_packed(address) Represent an address as 4 packed bytes in network (big-endian) order. address is an integer representation of an IPv4 IP address. A ValueError is raised if the integer is negative or too large to be an IPv4 IP address. >>> ipaddress.ip_address(3221225985) IPv4Address('') >>> ipaddress.v4_int_to_packed(3221225985) b'\xc0\x00\x02\x01'


ipaddress.summarize_address_range(first, last) Return an iterator of the summarized network range given the first and last IP addresses. first is the first IPv4Address or IPv6Address in the range and last is the last IPv4Address or IPv6Address in the range. A TypeError is raised if first or last are not IP addresses or are not of the same version. A ValueError is raised if last is not greater than first or if first address version is not 4 or 6. >>> [ipaddr for ipaddr in ipaddress.s


exception ipaddress.NetmaskValueError(ValueError) Any value error related to the netmask.


ipaddress.ip_network(address, strict=True) Return an IPv4Network or IPv6Network object depending on the IP address passed as argument. address is a string or integer representing the IP network. Either IPv4 or IPv6 networks may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. strict is passed to IPv4Network or IPv6Network constructor. A ValueError is raised if address does not represent a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, or if the network has host bits set. >>


ipaddress.ip_interface(address) Return an IPv4Interface or IPv6Interface object depending on the IP address passed as argument. address is a string or integer representing the IP address. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. A ValueError is raised if address does not represent a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.


ipaddress.ip_address(address) Return an IPv4Address or IPv6Address object depending on the IP address passed as argument. Either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses may be supplied; integers less than 2**32 will be considered to be IPv4 by default. A ValueError is raised if address does not represent a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. >>> ipaddress.ip_address('') IPv4Address('') >>> ipaddress.ip_address('2001:db8::') IPv6Address('2001:db8::')



