
class http.HTTPStatus New in version 3.5. A subclass of enum.IntEnum that defines a set of HTTP status codes, reason phrases and long descriptions written in English. Usage: >>> from http import HTTPStatus >>> HTTPStatus.OK <HTTPStatus.OK: 200> >>> HTTPStatus.OK == 200 True >>> http.HTTPStatus.OK.value 200 >>> HTTPStatus.OK.phrase 'OK' >>> HTTPStatus.OK.description 'Request fulfilled, document follows' >>> list(HTTPStatus


Morsel.output(attrs=None, header='Set-Cookie:') Return a string representation of the Morsel, suitable to be sent as an HTTP header. By default, all the attributes are included, unless attrs is given, in which case it should be a list of attributes to use. header is by default "Set-Cookie:".


Morsel.js_output(attrs=None) Return an embeddable JavaScript snippet, which, if run on a browser which supports JavaScript, will act the same as if the HTTP header was sent. The meaning for attrs is the same as in output().


Morsel.OutputString(attrs=None) Return a string representing the Morsel, without any surrounding HTTP or JavaScript. The meaning for attrs is the same as in output().


Morsel.copy(value) Return a shallow copy of the Morsel object. Changed in version 3.5: return a Morsel object instead of a dict.


Morsel.key The name of the cookie. Deprecated since version 3.5: assigning to key; use set() instead.


Morsel.isReservedKey(K) Whether K is a member of the set of keys of a Morsel.


Morsel.coded_value The encoded value of the cookie — this is what should be sent. Deprecated since version 3.5: assigning to coded_value; use set() instead.


BaseCookie.load(rawdata) If rawdata is a string, parse it as an HTTP_COOKIE and add the values found there as Morsels. If it is a dictionary, it is equivalent to: for k, v in rawdata.items(): cookie[k] = v


BaseCookie.value_decode(val) Return a decoded value from a string representation. Return value can be any type. This method does nothing in BaseCookie — it exists so it can be overridden.