
IMAP4.partial(message_num, message_part, start, length) Fetch truncated part of a message. Returned data is a tuple of message part envelope and data.


functools.partial(func, *args, **keywords) Return a new partial object which when called will behave like func called with the positional arguments args and keyword arguments keywords. If more arguments are supplied to the call, they are appended to args. If additional keyword arguments are supplied, they extend and override keywords. Roughly equivalent to: def partial(func, *args, **keywords): def newfunc(*fargs, **fkeywords): newkeywords = keywords.copy() newkeywords.up


class wsgiref.handlers.IISCGIHandler A specialized alternative to CGIHandler, for use when deploying on Microsoft’s IIS web server, without having set the config allowPathInfo option (IIS>=7) or metabase allowPathInfoForScriptMappings (IIS<7). By default, IIS gives a PATH_INFO that duplicates the SCRIPT_NAME at the front, causing problems for WSGI applications that wish to implement routing. This handler strips any such duplicated path. IIS can be configured to pass the correct PATH_IN


pdb.post_mortem(traceback=None) Enter post-mortem debugging of the given traceback object. If no traceback is given, it uses the one of the exception that is currently being handled (an exception must be being handled if the default is to be used).


inspect.getsource(object) Return the text of the source code for an object. The argument may be a module, class, method, function, traceback, frame, or code object. The source code is returned as a single string. An OSError is raised if the source code cannot be retrieved. Changed in version 3.3: OSError is raised instead of IOError, now an alias of the former.


__str__() Returns input_charset as a string coerced to lower case. __repr__() is an alias for __str__().


os.chroot(path) Change the root directory of the current process to path. Availability: Unix.


coroutine AbstractEventLoop.create_unix_connection(protocol_factory, path, *, ssl=None, sock=None, server_hostname=None) Create UNIX connection: socket family AF_UNIX, socket type SOCK_STREAM. The AF_UNIX socket family is used to communicate between processes on the same machine efficiently. This method is a coroutine which will try to establish the connection in the background. When successful, the coroutine returns a (transport, protocol) pair. See the AbstractEventLoop.create_connection()


class asyncore.dispatcher_with_send A dispatcher subclass which adds simple buffered output capability, useful for simple clients. For more sophisticated usage use asynchat.async_chat.


timezone.utcoffset(dt) Return the fixed value specified when the timezone instance is constructed. The dt argument is ignored. The return value is a timedelta instance equal to the difference between the local time and UTC.