Simply-Buttons - create cross-broswer nice-looking buttons

Simply-Buttons is a technique for creating nice looking buttons. You can easily modify the buttons look and feel by creating your own stylesheet.   Simply-Buttons - Features: Buttons size to fit text. There are 3 states: Inactive, Active, and Hover. They look and behave the same way in every browser and operating system. The do not need the javascript to work, they work with just the css  

RMSforms - A flexible CSS Forms Framework to Help Style Those Pesky Forms

RMSforms is a flexible CSS forms framework to help style those pesky forms. To apply it to your forms, simply download the RMSforms CSS Stylesheet, link to it from your HTML and apply the correct classes to the HTML structure and you will be on your way to creating complex CSS-based, tableless, flexible forms with ease.  

DataTables - table plug-in for jQuery

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table.   DataTables - Features: Variable length pagination On-the-fly filtering Multi-column sorting with data type detection Smart handling of column widths Display data from almost any data source DOM, Javascript array, Ajax file and server-side processing (PHP, C#, Perl, Ruby, AIR, Gears

Mobi Pick - an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile

Mobi Pick is an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile. It uses the date library XDate and allows progressive enhancement for date input fields using Modernizr. Released under MIT license.   

Photobox - A lightweight CSS3 image and video gallery that is pretty to look and and easy to use

Photobox is a lightweight image gallery modal window script which uses only CSS3 for silky-smooth animations and transitions, utilizes GPU rending, which can be completely controlled and themed directly from the CSS.   Benefits: Lightweight! Both script & CSS are no more than 10k each (minified, no gzip) Silky-smooth, hardware accelerated, CSS3 transitions and animations (for better performance) Support videos via iframe embedding Stunning UI and user-friendly UX Built so everything c

multi-select.js - a user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard <select> with multiple attribute activated

multi-select.js is a user-friendlier drop-in replacement for the standard <select> with multiple attribute activated.   multi-select.js - Features: Free (under WTFPL license) Works in an unobtrusive fashion Fully open sourced Keyboard support Provides some callbacks Fully customizable via CSS Depends on jQuery 1.8+ Tiny code ~8kb minified  

Animelt - The jQuery plugin for complex animations

Animelt is a jQuery plugin for complex animations, and it's easy to use. <script src="assets/animelt.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("div").animelt({ width: "40px", border: "2px solid #000" }, 1000, function(){ console.log("It's finished!"); }); // fantastic $("div").animelt({ transform: "rotateX(30deg) rotateY(120deg)" }, 600); // incredible </script>

Leaflet - An Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps

Leaflet is a modern open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.  It is designed with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. It works efficiently across all major desktop and mobile platforms out of the box, taking advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 on modern browsers while still being accessible on older ones. It can be extended with a huge amount of plugins, has a beautiful, easy to use and well-documented API and a simple, readable source code.   

Inputosaurus Text - allows an input element to have multiple values

Inputosaurus Text is an <input> that allows for multiple delimited values, parse hooks, autocomplete, keyboard shortcuts, etc. It represents (and is instantiated on) a text <input>.  This new input allows for multiple values that appear to be contained within a single input element. All values are separated via a delimiter of your choosing and placed back as the original input's value.  

AttC - convert html table to Google Charts automatically

AttC( Auto table to chart ) is a jQuery based javascript plugin that converts a standard HTML table to Google visualization chart and displays it on the page. It currently converts a table to one of these google charts: bar, column, area, line and pie.