Installation on openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise This page provides instructions for installing and configuring the latest Docker Engine software on openSUSE and SUSE systems. Note: You can also find bleeding edge Docker versions inside of the repositories maintained by the Virtualization:containers project on the Open Build Service. This project delivers also other packages that are related with the Docker ecosystem (for example, Docker Compose). Prerequisites You must be running a 64 bit architecture. op

docker network disconnect

network disconnect Usage: docker network disconnect [OPTIONS] NETWORK CONTAINER Disconnects a container from a network -f, --force Force the container to disconnect from a network --help Print usage Disconnects a container from a network. The container must be running to disconnect it from the network. $ docker network disconnect multi-host-network container1 Related information network inspect network connect network create network ls network rm Understand Docker

docker volume create

volume create Usage: docker volume create [OPTIONS] Create a volume -d, --driver=local Specify volume driver name --help Print usage --label=[] Set metadata for a volume --name= Specify volume name -o, --opt=map[] Set driver specific options Creates a new volume that containers can consume and store data in. If a name is not specified, Docker generates a random name. You create a volume and then configure the container to use it, for

Splunk logging driver

Splunk logging driver The splunk logging driver sends container logs to HTTP Event Collector in Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud. Usage You can configure the default logging driver by passing the --log-driver option to the Docker daemon: docker daemon --log-driver=splunk You can set the logging driver for a specific container by using the --log-driver option to docker run: docker run --log-driver=splunk ... Splunk options You can use the --log-opt NAME=VALUE flag to specify these additional

Protect the Docker daemon socket

Protect the Docker daemon socket By default, Docker runs via a non-networked Unix socket. It can also optionally communicate using an HTTP socket. If you need Docker to be reachable via the network in a safe manner, you can enable TLS by specifying the tlsverify flag and pointing Docker’s tlscacert flag to a trusted CA certificate. In the daemon mode, it will only allow connections from clients authenticated by a certificate signed by that CA. In the client mode, it will only connect to servers

Docker network driver plugins

Engine network driver plugins Docker Engine network plugins enable Engine deployments to be extended to support a wide range of networking technologies, such as VXLAN, IPVLAN, MACVLAN or something completely different. Network driver plugins are supported via the LibNetwork project. Each plugin is implemented as a “remote driver” for LibNetwork, which shares plugin infrastructure with Engine. Effectively, network driver plugins are activated in the same way as other plugins, and use the same ki


Exoscale Create machines on exoscale. Get your API key and API secret key from API details and pass them to machine create with the --exoscale-api-key and --exoscale-api-secret-key options. $ docker-machine create --driver exoscale --exoscale-api-key=API --exoscale-api-secret-key=SECRET vm Options: --exoscale-url: Your API endpoint. --exoscale-api-key: required Your API key. --exoscale-api-secret-key: required Your API secret key. --exoscale-instance-profile: Instance profile. --exoscale-

Select a storage driver

Select a storage driver This page describes Docker’s storage driver feature. It lists the storage driver’s that Docker supports and the basic commands associated with managing them. Finally, this page provides guidance on choosing a storage driver. The material on this page is intended for readers who already have an understanding of the storage driver technology. A pluggable storage driver architecture Docker has a pluggable storage driver architecture. This gives you the flexibility to “plug

Install Machine

Install Docker Machine On OS X and Windows, Machine is installed along with other Docker products when you install the Docker Toolbox. For details on installing Docker Toolbox, see the Mac OS X installation instructions or Windows installation instructions. If you want only Docker Machine, you can install the Machine binaries directly by following the instructions in the next section. You can find the latest versions of the binaries are on the docker/machine release page on GitHub. Installing

Default bridge network

Docker default bridge network With the introduction of the Docker networks feature, you can create your own user-defined networks. The Docker default bridge is created when you install Docker Engine. It is a bridge network and is also named bridge. The topics in this section are related to interacting with that default bridge network. Understand container communication Legacy container links Binding container ports to the host Build your own bridge Configure container DNS Customize the docker0