Installation on Ubuntu

Ubuntu Docker is supported on these Ubuntu operating systems: Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (LTS) Ubuntu Wily 15.10 Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS) Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS) This page instructs you to install using Docker-managed release packages and installation mechanisms. Using these packages ensures you get the latest release of Docker. If you wish to install using Ubuntu-managed packages, consult your Ubuntu documentation. Note: Ubuntu Utopic 14.10 and 15.04 exist in Docker’s APT repository but are no

Installation on Windows

Windows Note: This release of Docker deprecates the Boot2Docker command line in favor of Docker Machine. Use the Docker Toolbox to install Docker Machine as well as the other Docker tools. You install Docker using Docker Toolbox. Docker Toolbox includes the following Docker tools: Docker Machine for running the docker-machine binary Docker Engine for running the docker binary Kitematic, the Docker GUI a shell preconfigured for a Docker command-line environment Oracle VM VirtualBox Because t

Installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Docker is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. This page instructs you to install using Docker-managed release packages and installation mechanisms. Using these packages ensures you get the latest release of Docker. If you wish to install using Red Hat-managed packages, consult your Red Hat release documentation for information on Red Hat’s Docker support. Prerequisites Docker requires a 64-bit installation regardless of your Red Hat version. Docker requires that yo

Installation on openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise This page provides instructions for installing and configuring the latest Docker Engine software on openSUSE and SUSE systems. Note: You can also find bleeding edge Docker versions inside of the repositories maintained by the Virtualization:containers project on the Open Build Service. This project delivers also other packages that are related with the Docker ecosystem (for example, Docker Compose). Prerequisites You must be running a 64 bit architecture. op

Installation on Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux Docker is supported Oracle Linux 6 and 7. You do not require an Oracle Linux Support subscription to install Docker on Oracle Linux. Prerequisites Due to current Docker limitations, Docker is only able to run only on the x86_64 architecture. Docker requires the use of the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel Release 4 (4.1.12) or higher on Oracle Linux. This kernel supports the Docker btrfs storage engine on both Oracle Linux 6 and 7. Install Note: The procedure below installs binaries b

Installation on Mac OS X

Mac OS X You install Docker using Docker Toolbox. Docker Toolbox includes the following Docker tools: Docker Machine for running the docker-machine binary Docker Engine for running the docker binary Docker Compose for running the docker-compose binary Kitematic, the Docker GUI a shell preconfigured for a Docker command-line environment Oracle VM VirtualBox Because the Docker daemon uses Linux-specific kernel features, you can’t run Docker natively in OS X. Instead, you must use docker-machine

Installation on Gentoo

Gentoo Installing Docker on Gentoo Linux can be accomplished using one of two ways: the official way and the docker-overlay way. Official project page of Gentoo Docker team. Official way The first and recommended way if you are looking for a stable experience is to use the official app-emulation/docker package directly from the tree. If any issues arise from this ebuild including, missing kernel configuration flags or dependencies, open a bug on the Gentoo Bugzilla assigned to docker AT gentoo

Installation on Fedora

Fedora Docker is supported on Fedora version 22 and 23. This page instructs you to install using Docker-managed release packages and installation mechanisms. Using these packages ensures you get the latest release of Docker. If you wish to install using Fedora-managed packages, consult your Fedora release documentation for information on Fedora’s Docker support. Prerequisites Docker requires a 64-bit installation regardless of your Fedora version. Also, your kernel must be 3.10 at minimum. To c

Installation on FrugalWare

FrugalWare Installing on FrugalWare is handled via the official packages: lxc-docker i686 lxc-docker x86_64 The lxc-docker package will install the latest tagged version of Docker. Dependencies Docker depends on several packages which are specified as dependencies in the packages. The core dependencies are: systemd lvm2 sqlite3 libguestfs lxc iproute2 bridge-utils Installation A simple $ sudo pacman -S lxc-docker is all that is needed. Starting Docker There is a systemd service unit create

Installation on Debian

Debian Docker is supported on the following versions of Debian: Debian testing stretch (64-bit) Debian 8.0 Jessie (64-bit) Debian 7.7 Wheezy (64-bit) (backports required) Note: If you previously installed Docker using APT, make sure you update your APT sources to the new APT repository. Prerequisites Docker requires a 64-bit installation regardless of your Debian version. Additionally, your kernel must be 3.10 at minimum. The latest 3.10 minor version or a newer maintained version are also