
classmethod Series.from_array(arr, index=None, name=None, dtype=None, copy=False, fastpath=False) [source]


DatetimeIndex.append(other) [source] Append a collection of Index options together Parameters: other : Index or list/tuple of indices Returns: appended : Index


Series.cummin(axis=None, skipna=True, *args, **kwargs) [source] Return cumulative minimum over requested axis. Parameters: axis : {index (0)} skipna : boolean, default True Exclude NA/null values. If an entire row/column is NA, the result will be NA Returns: cummin : scalar


Panel.rdiv(other, axis=0) [source] Floating division of series and other, element-wise (binary operator rtruediv). Equivalent to other / panel. Parameters: other : DataFrame or Panel axis : {items, major_axis, minor_axis} Axis to broadcast over Returns: Panel See also Panel.truediv


DataFrame.rfloordiv(other, axis='columns', level=None, fill_value=None) [source] Integer division of dataframe and other, element-wise (binary operator rfloordiv). Equivalent to other // dataframe, but with support to substitute a fill_value for missing data in one of the inputs. Parameters: other : Series, DataFrame, or constant axis : {0, 1, ?index?, ?columns?} For Series input, axis to match Series index on fill_value : None or float value, default None Fill missing (NaN) values with


DataFrame.eval(expr, inplace=None, **kwargs) [source] Evaluate an expression in the context of the calling DataFrame instance. Parameters: expr : string The expression string to evaluate. inplace : bool If the expression contains an assignment, whether to return a new DataFrame or mutate the existing. WARNING: inplace=None currently falls back to to True, but in a future version, will default to False. Use inplace=True explicitly rather than relying on the default. New in version 0.18.


DatetimeIndex.shift(n, freq=None) [source] Specialized shift which produces a DatetimeIndex Parameters: n : int Periods to shift by freq : DateOffset or timedelta-like, optional Returns: shifted : DatetimeIndex


Index.str() [source] Vectorized string functions for Series and Index. NAs stay NA unless handled otherwise by a particular method. Patterned after Python?s string methods, with some inspiration from R?s stringr package. Examples >>> s.str.split('_') >>> s.str.replace('_', '')


DatetimeIndex.max(axis=None, *args, **kwargs) [source] Return the maximum value of the Index or maximum along an axis. See also numpy.ndarray.max


DataFrame.get_dtype_counts() [source] Return the counts of dtypes in this object.