
brush.filter([filter]) If filter is specified, sets the filter to the specified function and returns the brush. If filter is not specified, returns the current filter, which defaults to: function filter() { return !event.button; } If the filter returns falsey, the initiating event is ignored and no brush gesture is started. Thus, the filter determines which input events are ignored. The default filter ignores mousedown events on secondary buttons, since those buttons are typically intended


brush.extent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the brushable extent to the specified array of points [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where [x0, y0] is the top-left corner and [x1, y1] is the bottom-right corner, and returns this brush. The extent may also be specified as a function which returns such an array; if a function, it is invoked for each selected element, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element. If extent is not specified, returns t


brush(group) Applies the brush to the specified group, which must be a selection of SVG G elements. This function is typically not invoked directly, and is instead invoked via For example, to render a brush: svg.append("g") .attr("class", "brush") .call(d3.brush().on("brush", brushed)); Internally, the brush uses selection.on to bind the necessary event listeners for dragging. The listeners use the name .brush, so you can subsequently unbind the brush event listeners


bottomley.fraction([fraction]) Defaults to 0.5, corresponding to a sin(ψ) where ψ = π/6.


bonne.parallel([parallel]) Defaults to 45°.


bisector.right(array, x[, lo[, hi]]) Equivalent to bisectRight, but uses this bisector’s associated comparator.


bisector.left(array, x[, lo[, hi]]) Equivalent to bisectLeft, but uses this bisector’s associated comparator.


berghaus.lobes([lobes]) If lobes is specified, sets the number of lobes in the resulting star, and returns this projection. If lobes is not specified, returns the current lobe number, which defaults to 5.


band.step() Returns the distance between the starts of adjacent bands.


band.round([round]) If round is specified, enables or disables rounding accordingly. If rounding is enabled, the start and stop of each band will be integers. Rounding is sometimes useful for avoiding antialiasing artifacts, though also consider the shape-rendering “crispEdges” styles. Note that if the width of the domain is not a multiple of the cardinality of the range, there may be leftover unused space, even without padding! Use band.align to specify how the leftover space is distributed