
radialArea.curve([curve]) Equivalent to area.curve. Note that curveMonotoneX or curveMonotoneY are not recommended for radial areas because they assume that the data is monotonic in x or y, which is typically untrue of radial areas.


pow.rangeRound([range]) See continuous.rangeRound.


treemap.size([size]) If size is specified, sets this treemap layout’s size to the specified two-element array of numbers [width, height] and returns this treemap layout. If size is not specified, returns the current size, which defaults to [1, 1].


d3.dragEnable(window[, noclick]) Allows native drag-and-drop and text selection on the specified window; undoes the effect of d3.dragDisable. This method is intended to be called on mouseup, preceded by d3.dragDisable on mousedown. If noclick is true, this method also temporarily suppresses click events. The suppression of click events expires after a zero-millisecond timeout, such that it only suppress the click event that would immediately follow the current mouseup event, if any.


d3.timeSaturday d3.utcSaturday Saturday-based weeks (e.g., February 11, 2012 at 12:00 AM).


d3.curveStep(context) Produces a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes at the midpoint of each pair of adjacent x-values.


d3.zoomTransform(node) Returns the current transform for the specified node. Note that node should typically be a DOM element, not a selection. (A selection may consist of multiple nodes, in different states, and this function only returns a single transform.) If you have a selection, call selection.node first: var transform = d3.zoomTransform(selection.node()); In the context of an event listener, the node is typically the element that received the input event (which should be equal to event


d3.stackOffsetExpand(series, order) Applies a zero baseline and normalizes the values for each point such that the topline is always one.


d3.merge(arrays) Merges the specified arrays into a single array. This method is similar to the built-in array concat method; the only difference is that it is more convenient when you have an array of arrays. d3.merge([[1], [2, 3]]); // returns [1, 2, 3]


d3.timeMinute d3.utcMinute Minutes (e.g., 01:02:00 AM); 60 seconds. Note that ECMAScript ignores leap seconds.