
zoom.translateExtent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the translate extent to the specified array of points [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where [x0, y0] is the top-left corner of the world and [x1, y1] is the bottom-right corner of the world, and returns this zoom behavior. If extent is not specified, returns the current translate extent, which defaults to [[-∞, -∞], [+∞, +∞]]. The translate extent restricts panning, and may cause translation on zoom out. It is enforced on interaction and when


zoom.scaleTo(selection, k) If selection is a selection, scales the current zoom transform of the selected elements to k, such that the new k₁ = k. If selection is a transition, defines a “zoom” tween translating the current transform. This method is a convenience method for zoom.transform. The k scale factor may be specified either as numbers or as functions that returns numbers. If a function, it is invoked for each selected element, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the th


zoom.translateBy(selection, x, y) If selection is a selection, translates the current zoom transform of the selected elements by x and y, such that the new tx1 = tx0 + k × x and ty1 = ty0 + k × y. If selection is a transition, defines a “zoom” tween translating the current transform. This method is a convenience method for zoom.transform. The x and y translation amounts may be specified either as numbers or as functions that returns numbers. If a function, it is invoked for each selected ele


zoom.transform(selection, transform) If selection is a selection, sets the current zoom transform of the selected elements to the specified transform, instantaneously emitting start, zoom and end events. If selection is a transition, defines a “zoom” tween to the specified transform using d3.interpolateZoom, emitting a start event when the transition starts, zoom events for each tick of the transition, and then an end event when the transition ends (or is interrupted). The transform may be s


zoom.on(typenames[, listener]) If listener is specified, sets the event listener for the specified typenames and returns the zoom behavior. If an event listener was already registered for the same type and name, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added. If listener is null, removes the current event listeners for the specified typenames, if any. If listener is not specified, returns the first currently-assigned listener matching the specified typenames, if any. When


zoom.scaleExtent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the scale extent to the specified array of numbers [k0, k1] where k0 is the minimum allowed scale factor and k1 is the maximum allowed scale factor, and returns this zoom behavior. If extent is not specified, returns the current scale extent, which defaults to [0, ∞]. The scale extent restricts zooming in and out. It is enforced on interaction and when using zoom.scaleBy, zoom.scaleTo and zoom.translateBy; however, it is not enforced wh


zoom.scaleBy(selection, k) If selection is a selection, scales the current zoom transform of the selected elements by k, such that the new k₁ = k₀ × k. If selection is a transition, defines a “zoom” tween translating the current transform. This method is a convenience method for zoom.transform. The k scale factor may be specified either as numbers or as functions that returns numbers. If a function, it is invoked for each selected element, being passed the current datum d and index i, with t


zoom.duration([duration]) If duration is specified, sets the duration for zoom transitions on double-click and double-tap to the specified number of milliseconds and returns the zoom behavior. If duration is not specified, returns the current duration, which defaults to 250 milliseconds. If the duration is not greater than zero, double-click and -tap trigger instantaneous changes to the zoom transform rather than initiating smooth transitions. To disable double-click and double-tap transitio


zoom.interpolate([interpolate]) If interpolate is specified, sets the interpolation factory for zoom transitions to the specified function. If interpolate is not specified, returns the current interpolation factory, which defaults to d3.interpolateZoom to implement smooth zooming. To apply direct interpolation between two views, try d3.interpolate instead.


zoom.extent([extent]) If extent is specified, sets the viewport extent to the specified array of points [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]], where [x0, y0] is the top-left corner of the viewport and [x1, y1] is the bottom-right corner of the viewport, and returns this zoom behavior. The extent may also be specified as a function which returns such an array; if a function, it is invoked for each selected element, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the current DOM element.