
ribbon(arguments…) Generates a ribbon for the given arguments. The arguments are arbitrary; they are simply propagated to the ribbon generator’s accessor functions along with the this object. For example, with the default settings, a chord object expected: var ribbon = d3.ribbon(); ribbon({ source: {startAngle: 0.7524114, endAngle: 1.1212972, radius: 240}, target: {startAngle: 1.8617078, endAngle: 1.9842927, radius: 240} }); // "M164.0162810494058,-175.21032946354026A240,240,0,0,1,216.1


request.user([value]) If value is specified, sets the user name for authentication to the specified string and returns this request instance. If value is not specified, returns the current user name, which defaults to null.


request.timeout([timeout]) If timeout is specified, sets the timeout attribute of the request to the specified number of milliseconds and returns this request instance. If timeout is not specified, returns the current response timeout, which defaults to 0.


request.send(method[, data][, callback]) Issues this request using the specified method (such as GET or POST), optionally posting the specified data in the request body, and returns this request instance. If a callback is specified, the callback will be invoked asynchronously when the request succeeds or fails. The callback is invoked with two arguments: the error, if any, and the response value. The response value is undefined if an error occurs. This is equivalent to: request .on("erro


request.responseType([type]) If type is specified, sets the response type attribute of the request and returns this request instance. Typical values are: ​ (the empty string), arraybuffer, blob, document, and text. If type is not specified, returns the current response type, which defaults to ​.


request.response(value) Sets the response value function to the specified function and returns this request instance. The response value function is used to map the response XMLHttpRequest object to a useful data value. See the convenience methods json and text for examples.


request.post([data][, callback]) Equivalent to request.send with the POST method: request.send("POST", data, callback);


request.password([value]) If value is specified, sets the password for authentication to the specified string and returns this request instance. If value is not specified, returns the current password, which defaults to null.


request.on(type[, listener]) If listener is specified, sets the event listener for the specified type and returns this request instance. If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added. If listener is null, removes the current event listener for the specified type (if any) instead. If listener is not specified, returns the currently-assigned listener for the specified type, if any. The type must be one of the fo


request.mimeType([type]) If type is specified, sets the request mime type to the specified value and returns this request instance. If type is null, clears the current mime type (if any) instead. If type is not specified, returns the current mime type, which defaults to null. The mime type is used to both set the "Accept" request header and for overrideMimeType, where supported. The request mime type can only be modified before the request is sent. Therefore, you cannot pass a callback to th