
d3.timeSecond d3.utcSecond Seconds (e.g., 01:23:45.0000 AM); 1,000 milliseconds.


d3.timeSaturdays(start, stop[, step]) d3.utcSaturdays(start, stop[, step]) Aliases for timeSaturday.range and utcSaturday.range.


d3.timeSaturday d3.utcSaturday Saturday-based weeks (e.g., February 11, 2012 at 12:00 AM).


d3.timerFlush() Immediately invoke any eligible timer callbacks. Note that zero-delay timers are normally first executed after one frame (~17ms). This can cause a brief flicker because the browser renders the page twice: once at the end of the first event loop, then again immediately on the first timer callback. By flushing the timer queue at the end of the first event loop, you can run any zero-delay timers immediately and avoid the flicker.


d3.timer(callback[, delay[, time]]) Schedules a new timer, invoking the specified callback repeatedly until the timer is stopped. An optional numeric delay in milliseconds may be specified to invoke the given callback after a delay; if delay is not specified, it defaults to zero. The delay is relative to the specified time in milliseconds; if time is not specified, it defaults to now. The callback is passed the (apparent) elapsed time since the timer became active. For example: var t = d3.tim


d3.timeParse(specifier) An alias for locale.parse on the default locale.


d3.timeout(callback[, delay[, time]]) Like timer, except the timer automatically stops on its first callback. A suitable replacement for setTimeout that is guaranteed to not run in the background. The callback is passed the elapsed time.


d3.timeMonths(start, stop[, step]) d3.utcMonths(start, stop[, step]) Aliases for timeMonth.range and utcMonth.range.


d3.timeMonth d3.utcMonth Months (e.g., February 1, 2012 at 12:00 AM); ranges from 28 to 31 days.


d3.timeMondays(start, stop[, step]) d3.utcMondays(start, stop[, step]) Aliases for timeMonday.range and utcMonday.range.