
d3.symbol() Constructs a new symbol generator with the default settings.


d3.sum(array[, accessor]) Returns the sum of the given array of numbers. If the array is empty, returns 0. An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling array.map(accessor) before computing the sum. This method ignores undefined and NaN values; this is useful for ignoring missing data.


d3.stratify() Constructs a new stratify operator with the default settings.


d3.stackOrderReverse(series) Returns the reverse of the given series order [n - 1, n - 2, … 0] where n is the number of elements in series. Thus, the stack order is given by the reverse of the key accessor.


d3.stackOrderNone(series) Returns the given series order [0, 1, … n - 1] where n is the number of elements in series. Thus, the stack order is given by the key accessor.


d3.stackOrderInsideOut(series) Returns a series order such that the larger series (according to the sum of values) are on the inside and the smaller series are on the outside. This order is recommended for streamgraphs in conjunction with the wiggle offset. See Stacked Graphs—Geometry & Aesthetics by Bryon & Wattenberg for more information.


d3.stackOrderDescending(series) Returns a series order such that the largest series (according to the sum of values) is at the bottom.


d3.stackOrderAscending(series) Returns a series order such that the smallest series (according to the sum of values) is at the bottom.


d3.stackOffsetWiggle(series, order) Shifts the baseline so as to minimize the weighted wiggle of layers. This offset is recommended for streamgraphs in conjunction with the inside-out order. See Stacked Graphs—Geometry & Aesthetics by Bryon & Wattenberg for more information.


d3.stackOffsetSilhouette(series, order) Shifts the baseline down such that the center of the streamgraph is always at zero.