
d3.scalePow() Constructs a new continuous scale with the unit domain [0, 1], the unit range [0, 1], the exponent 1, the default interpolator and clamping disabled. (Note that this is effectively a linear scale until you set a different exponent.)


d3.scalePoint() Constructs a new point scale with the empty domain, the unit range [0, 1], no padding, no rounding and center alignment.


d3.scaleOrdinal([range]) Constructs a new ordinal scale with an empty domain and the specified range. If a range is not specified, it defaults to the empty array; an ordinal scale always returns undefined until a non-empty range is defined.


d3.scaleLog() Constructs a new continuous scale with the domain [1, 10], the unit range [0, 1], the base 10, the default interpolator and clamping disabled.


d3.scaleLinear() Constructs a new continuous scale with the unit domain [0, 1], the unit range [0, 1], the default interpolator and clamping disabled. Linear scales are a good default choice for continuous quantitative data because they preserve proportional differences. Each range value y can be expressed as a function of the domain value x: y = mx + b.


d3.scaleImplicit A special value for ordinal.unknown that enables implicit domain construction: unknown values are implicitly added to the domain.


d3.scaleIdentity() Constructs a new identity scale with the unit domain [0, 1] and the unit range [0, 1].


d3.scaleBand() Constructs a new band scale with the empty domain, the unit range [0, 1], no padding, no rounding and center alignment.


d3.ribbon() Creates a new ribbon generator with the default settings.


d3.rgb(r, g, b[, opacity]) d3.rgb(specifier) d3.rgb(color) Constructs a new RGB color. The channel values are exposed as r, g and b properties on the returned instance. Use the RGB color picker to explore this color space. If r, g and b are specified, these represent the channel values of the returned color; an opacity may also be specified. If a CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string is specified, it is parsed and then converted to the RGB color space. See color for examples. If a color