
d3.forceManyBody() Creates a new many-body force with the default parameters.


d3.forceLink([links]) Creates a new link force with the specified links and default parameters. If links is not specified, it defaults to the empty array.


d3.forceCollide([radius]) Creates a new circle collision force with the specified radius. If radius is not specified, it defaults to the constant one for all nodes.


d3.forceCenter([x, y]) Creates a new centering force with the specified x- and y- coordinates. If x and y are not specified, they default to ⟨0,0⟩.


d3.extent(array[, accessor]) Returns the minimum and maximum value in the given array using natural order. If the array is empty, returns [undefined, undefined]. An optional accessor function may be specified, which is equivalent to calling array.map(accessor) before computing the extent.


d3.event The current event, if any. This is set during the invocation of an event listener, and is reset after the listener terminates. Use this to access standard event fields such as event.timeStamp and methods such as event.preventDefault. While you can use the native event.pageX and event.pageY, it is often more convenient to transform the event position to the local coordinate system of the container that received the event using d3.mouse, d3.touch or d3.touches. If you use Babel, Webpack


d3.entries(object) Returns an array containing the property keys and values of the specified object (an associative array). Each entry is an object with a key and value attribute, such as {key: "foo", value: 42}. The order of the returned array is undefined. d3.entries({foo: 42, bar: true}); // [{key: "foo", value: 42}, {key: "bar", value: true}]


d3.easeSinOut(t) Reverse sinusoidal easing; equivalent to 1 - sinIn(1 - t).


d3.easeSinIn(t) Sinusoidal easing; returns sin(t).


d3.easeSin(t) d3.easeSinInOut(t) Symmetric sinusoidal easing; scales sinIn for t in [0, 0.5] and sinOut for t in [0.5, 1].