
simulation.find(x, y[, radius]) Returns the node closest to the position ⟨x,y⟩ with the given search radius. If radius is not specified, it defaults to infinity. If there is no node within the search area, returns undefined.


set.values() Returns an array of the string values in this set. The order of the returned values is arbitrary. Can be used as a convenient way of computing the unique values for a set of strings. For example: d3.set(["foo", "bar", "foo", "baz"]).values(); // "foo", "bar", "baz"


simulation.alpha([alpha]) If alpha is specified, sets the current alpha to the specified number in the range [0,1] and returns this simulation. If alpha is not specified, returns the current alpha value, which defaults to 1.


simulation.alphaDecay([decay]) If decay is specified, sets the alpha decay rate to the specified number in the range [0,1] and returns this simulation. If decay is not specified, returns the current alpha decay rate, which defaults to 0.0228… = 1 - pow(0.001, 1 / 300) where 0.001 is the default minimum alpha. The alpha decay rate determines how quickly the current alpha interpolates towards the desired target alpha; since the default target alpha is zero, by default this controls how quickly


set.has(value) Returns true if and only if this set has an entry for the specified value string.


set.each(function) Calls the specified function for each value in this set, passing the value as the first two arguments (for symmetry with map.each), followed by the set itself. Returns undefined. The iteration order is arbitrary.


set.size() Returns the number of values in this set.


set.remove(value) If the set contains the specified value string, removes it and returns true. Otherwise, this method does nothing and returns false.


set.empty() Returns true if and only if this set has zero values.


sequential.interpolator([interpolator]) If interpolator is specified, sets the scale’s interpolator to the specified function. If interpolator is not specified, returns the scale’s current interpolator.