
d3.geoCylindricalEqualArea() d3.geoCylindricalEqualAreaRaw(phi0) The cylindrical equal-area projection. Depending on the chosen parallel, this projection is also known as the Lambert cylindrical equal-area (0°), Gall–Peters (45°), Hobo–Dyer (37.5°), and Tobler world-in-a-square (~55.654°).


d3.stackOrderReverse(series) Returns the reverse of the given series order [n - 1, n - 2, … 0] where n is the number of elements in series. Thus, the stack order is given by the reverse of the key accessor.


voronoi.triangles(data) Returns the Delaunay triangulation of the specified data array as an array of triangles. Each triangle is a three-element array of elements from data. Equivalent to: voronoi(data).triangles(); See diagram.triangles for more detail.


d3.interpolateBasis(values) Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of values, which must be numbers. Implicit control points are generated such that the interpolator returns values[0] at t = 0 and values[values.length - 1] at t = 1. See also d3.curveBasis.


d3.stackOrderAscending(series) Returns a series order such that the smallest series (according to the sum of values) is at the bottom.


simulation.restart() Restarts the simulation’s internal timer and returns the simulation. In conjunction with simulation.alphaTarget or simulation.alpha, this method can be used to “reheat” the simulation during interaction, such as when dragging a node, or to resume the simulation after temporarily pausing it with simulation.stop.


d3.forceManyBody() Creates a new many-body force with the default parameters.


simulation.force(name[, force]) If force is specified, assigns the force for the specified name and returns this simulation. If force is not specified, returns the force with the specified name, or undefined if there is no such force. (By default, new simulations have no forces.) For example, to create a new simulation to layout a graph, you might say: var simulation = d3.forceSimulation(nodes) .force("charge", d3.forceManyBody()) .force("link", d3.forceLink(links)) .force("cente


d3.radialArea() Constructs a new radial area generator with the default settings. A radial area generator is equivalent to the standard Cartesian area generator, except the x and y accessors are replaced with angle and radius accessors. Radial areas are always positioned relative to ⟨0,0⟩; use a transform (see: SVG, Canvas) to change the origin.


d3.easeBounceInOut(t) Symmetric bounce easing; scales bounceIn for t in [0, 0.5] and bounceOut for t in [0.5, 1].