
selection.sort(compare) Returns a new selection that contains a copy of each group in this selection sorted according to the compare function. After sorting, re-inserts elements to match the resulting order (per selection.order). The compare function, which defaults to ascending, is passed two elements’ data a and b to compare. It should return either a negative, positive, or zero value. If negative, then a should be before b; if positive, then a should be after b; otherwise, a and b are con


selection.size() Returns the total number of elements in this selection.


selection.selectAll(selector) For each selected element, selects the descendant elements that match the specified selector string. The elements in the returned selection are grouped by their corresponding parent node in this selection. If no element matches the specified selector for the current element, or if the selector is null, the group at the current index will be empty. The selected elements do not inherit data from this selection; use to propagate data to children. For For each selected element, selects the first descendant element that matches the specified selector string. If no element matches the specified selector for the current element, the element at the current index will be null in the returned selection. (If the selector is null, every element in the returned selection will be null, resulting in an empty selection.) If the current element has associated data, this data is propagated to the corresponding selected elemen


selection.remove() Removes the selected elements from the document. Returns this selection (the removed elements) which are now detached from the DOM. There is not currently a dedicated API to add removed elements back to the document; however, you can pass a function to selection.append or selection.insert to re-add elements.


selection.raise() Re-inserts each selected element, in order, as the last child of its parent. Equivalent to: selection.each(function() { this.parentNode.appendChild(this); });[, value]) Some HTML elements have special properties that are not addressable using attributes or styles, such as a form field’s text value and a checkbox’s checked boolean. Use this method to get or set these properties. If a value is specified, sets the property with the specified name to the specified value on selected elements. If the value is a constant, then all elements are given the same property value; otherwise, if the value is a function, then the function A convenience method on top of for setting multiple element properties. If the specified values is an object, the values may be specified either as strings or functions. For example:{foo: "foo-value", id: function(d, i) { return "id-" + i; }}); If a value is a constant, all elements are given the same property value; otherwise, if a value is a function, the function is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being pas


selection.order() Re-inserts elements into the document such that the document order of each group matches the selection order. This is equivalent to calling selection.sort if the data is already sorted, but much faster.


selection.on(typenames[, listener[, capture]]) Adds or removes a listener to each selected element for the specified event typenames. The typenames is a string event type, such as click, mouseover, or submit; any DOM event type supported by your browser may be used. The type may be optionally followed by a period (.) and a name; the optional name allows multiple callbacks to be registered to receive events of the same type, such as and To specify multiple typenames, sepa