
d3.interpolateBuPu(t) d3.schemeBuPu Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “BuPu” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.


d3.interpolateBuGn(t) d3.schemeBuGn Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “BuGn” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.


d3.interpolateBrBG(t) d3.schemeBrBG Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “BrBG” diverging color scheme represented as an RGB string.


d3.interpolateBlues(t) d3.schemeBlues Given a number t in the range [0,1], returns the corresponding color from the “Blues” sequential color scheme represented as an RGB string.


d3.interpolateBasisClosed(values) Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of values, which must be numbers. The control points are implicitly repeated such that the resulting one-dimensional spline has cyclical C² continuity when repeated around t in [0,1]. See also d3.curveBasisClosed.


d3.interpolateBasis(values) Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of values, which must be numbers. Implicit control points are generated such that the interpolator returns values[0] at t = 0 and values[values.length - 1] at t = 1. See also d3.curveBasis.


d3.interpolateArray(a, b) Returns an interpolator between the two arrays a and b. Internally, an array template is created that is the same length in b. For each element in b, if there exists a corresponding element in a, a generic interpolator is created for the two elements using interpolate. If there is no such element, the static value from b is used in the template. Then, for the given parameter t, the template’s embedded interpolators are evaluated. The updated array template is then re


d3.interpolate(a, b) Returns an interpolator between the two arbitrary values a and b. The interpolator implementation is based on the type of the end value b, using the following algorithm: If b is null, undefined or a boolean, use the constant b. If b is a number, use interpolateNumber. If b is a color or a string coercible to a color, use interpolateRgb. If b is a date, use interpolateDate. If b is a string, use interpolateString. If b is an array, use interpolateArray. If b is coercible to


d3.html(url[, callback]) Creates a request for the HTML file at the specified url with the default mime type text/html. The HTML file is returned as a document fragment. This convenience constructor is approximately equivalent to: d3.request(url) .mimeType("text/html") .response(function(xhr) { return document.createRange().createContextualFragment(xhr.responseText); }) .get(callback); HTML parsing requires a global document and relies on DOM Ranges, which are not supported by JSD


d3.hsv(h, s, v[, opacity]) d3.hsv(specifier) d3.hsv(color) Constructs a new HSV color. The channel values are exposed as h, s and v properties on the returned instance. If h, s and v are specified, these represent the channel values of the returned color; an opacity may also be specified. If a CSS Color Module Level 3 specifier string is specified, it is parsed and then converted to the HSV color space. See d3.color for examples. If a color instance is specified, it is converted to the RGB co